Cog ofOberstleumnnt Engrid Dhi,, nr ‘KnihVH'nMircr HhV m:v Venhmmt noch mnl! / nms so bond todaifL nnd ¡Onc/lf-SO K\Tlf lonchf. Ir is mostly just pussy here nnd mntnj of them are attachedto upsruck birches. Is okmj though because I want the cock-butnpt* okay because there is no good cocjdpsrf: "‘Bone toy" has kept me saind^urafter nearly three HiuddwiTifone that is n'■arm. Uh.ttln!k months, En
We had recently captured a prisoner. Someone who had ties to some particular ninja master. (Du orders were to uncover whatever secrets he mail be hidinq so I had him "processed”and brought to my "Slue chamber. ” A place Ispecificauif use to conduct my interrogations. 0?y intentions were to pump this little wienerschnitzelfor information~.the best ways I knew how. Properly of www.SexyFur com Unauthorized distribution prohibited.
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тшшш I opened with nnj "ftot Oil cannent. It has a hiqh tomj Ш&Ш'пто tficraé rate.c «button prohibited.
It was not long lx fore I realized that l had truly found a worthy challenge! Igaw Weary 'Bone" a solid tonguelashitg ofan oral interrogation for almost an hour and he barely dribbled an ounce of information. I admit that I probably spent more time than I should haw on this part of the effortlbut l do so enjoy my work Jfowewr, it was olxious that stronger measures had to be taken! Copyright Monitor Studios 3nc/ Unauthorized distnoution prohibí
¿•i-i ijl^i i-:" ". -X W me \:it leant, ’ I barked at him. "Still \i!l not ( OX'iltlf 'Bone. OkniuSo l used the irroiuj tenu, nnct I took in more thana notch. L ’Kay, a lot more—out / mis determined I mis aoinq to get I tvhat I minted out of this feline swine no matter what I had to da "Ho matter how far I had toga ‘Prepare ijourself mij thick' headed friend. Iam about to test both our limits!
As I administered my la test technique, I could see that my subject mis straining under the pressure. I encouraged him to let go. 7 rant it, (Deatu ‘Bone, I whispered. 7 Kant all of ijour inside informational xant your deep, juicy secrets Give it all to me.” ' I mill admit that I mas becoming increasing \ impressed mith his ability to hold back after gix’ing him every incentive to open his mouth. k vlv \ \\ X \\ - —7‘ / KO] . 1 L 1 B'
Crime pass*yd. Under mij grind he would dribble 'some more useless info here- "sputter "an outdated code there. Somehow-someway-he was holdinq back all /If/ / /y * Cl the (foodstuff. iVy feelings of amusement were rapidly being replaced by frustration! Without thinking, I arabbed him and barked, "f/ow physical do I line to net, CDeaty ‘Bone?! 1 mat id IVAnUl&r ‘ -and I "banged his headF Uhen I banged it again! -and then again! -and again! -and again! Ox vr and ox vr and o\ vr and ox vr and oxer-. -vid it felt so good to do it for nobody has stood up to me this long before. Soon, my little wienerschnitzel wanted to negotiate for his release, po which I responded, "Give me ACC of your information and uou haxv my word that you will be released." With that, he began spewing forth the flow of information that Icoxvted for so long. Copyright Monitor Studios Inc/ Unauthorized distribution prohibited. ENGRD'S HEAD BANGER (£) JEREMY BERNAL DOMINIC SNABOMMBTSINFOSPEWER © GNAW
the faithful gesture he needed to see that I teas "keeping up mu end”of the ha n giving me the rest of his information. [His delherg ivas so~~forthrignt! ntygaie me hue soon I realized that his secrets went deeper than I Believed m* motion left than Isuspectedinfuchnriore! Perhaps more than I could handlef! < soring the best for last ami it was taking mg all just to keep up with him! me- hut this is sOjiiuia* information and so quicklg~I~Ineed time to digest it! yhejfepfgiring it to me. ‘ c s\ Uoonmcninformation, (Veatg ‘Bone—V emoxm fiexgfwc. com
£oq of Oberstleutnant Enqrid-Dag 7?at l\anonenbohrer Ease QOXX: Successful interrogation andjnformation retrie\nlJM subject name: "(Deatg ‘Pone ’^^^k As promised, he is scheduled for release . / J for such a procedure ' Uherefore, I haw instrth is "gracious!if informatiw tom
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