O Ore t KM 79 "VIULAJI180^ 190dlgil g(bcMrs>*i. et-titMi1-/ '/t ;*2Xttft /j/ ^1*.4 M,r^|WI :>--i- / Futa Cum :: Wokada :: Full-Package Futa :: futa on male :: futa cum :: futa on male :: wokada :: full-package futa :: futa exotic type :: futa censored :: Futa Exotic Type :: Futa Censored :: Futanari (Dickgirl, Futa) :: Anime Art :: futanari :: Anime Artist :: anime art :: artist :: xxx-files :: xxx-files :: artist :: fandoms

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O Ore t KM 79 "VIULAJI180^ 190dlgil g(bcMrs><fWA(wil<lboare)fc taftfti*.- 9<d X w : rac ** i rea//mm? s -1 *..*<**\'11'&*<*-**-9'>1!.$-,7 *5-;< AnicllfcL?^,ml**-?tx*7t*fte&&MA'?ft9.2tlclt?'CV 1(^-^*<(4:/7-1|^4')*11^^0<><*-*4."J h Onahobbil  ***^-*-godiRiimx/U-/wAIVHlc C**>i*'J>') 7 9 t Vff ***

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*> -< ^-*1-*-':& ^UT-* . *-?>' <, c^fiewew/jWtfeliftiftic***(**? **1::*1 IW Lfc Kd U  Lfcttt aflHftt JHtWcftQttttf*/WKttMr iffit&M< Ws-* >* urmitz <J >: HIKACAMI EROCRAPHICOre IntercourseOre sexual intercourse, which boasts of its strung physical strength, is extremely rough, and usually involves v

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Ctfw*r>'rTix<mx'bzx^tuv\Km.m7u x ? /-?> (pit>slaglandn){ilM^lllia;.T/Wl|m<:^^iafll:%^Kl5/r.i^tLLvUVrt Kml#ttc-r.***-*^IEri UW^^iHTOJCji^-CttrnTv^S/c^BrtOttiftiJft $ nr tm* nifWd^ ft i wkmoj i-: jjiz x o wWt c o 0m /?** *- tizko'itUMK mut^y/x'i^m^ >w,'m l4 +fc. S 6IC AC 60 *+*- >uom 11imv  tz  *5

¡ —O Ore ■ЯН t KM 79 ¿"VIULAJI 180^ 190dlgil g»À(bcMrs>«««<fWA(wil<lboare)fc taftfti*. и- 9<d X w : ra»c ** i rea /тлтш/mm?ел s -1 «м*.. А»««Ж*<гП И» *£*МЬШ\'1Г1М'ЬШШЪЬт&*Ъ<*-*ЬНЬЬХМт*-9КЬ'>Х1!.$ПЬх-Л,7Аи •*5-ЛЦЙ;< AnicllfcL?^«,m£l**-?tx*7t*fte&&MA'?ft9.2t»lclt?'CV» й1‘»Л(^-^й*<»и(4:Л/лЛ7д-в«1|»^4')*вЯ11^^Ш0<><КЯК««Й*Г-С*4. "J h Onahobbil ■«век» ***^-уь* Лйно-godiRii mx/U-/wAIVHlc C**>iî£*'J>') 7 9 t Vff довода*** <tt¿«*.*trCt>S. ЩШЯАГШЙ <>»*.*«**> -W«w/J вЙНсМШ?П-Г.М*«1СзГ^*»'уИЕЛ««й4гЙ^-С1»5. h Ь И7 9+ У *«* < *-1ОД«М«.'r J* j ¿r« jlcfrMrC* У. *«WUlll<<rfei:ÄL-CttÄL260B«»««*Wniim*+5. Htftííf* ¿ Ш*й‘****«***#№* LííKiMft LA«« г**4ИГ* hfKji:-CЖ **M'ÜíAírff L\ 't-:£M(ifc ftttu#*(UHft »n*it*e. wä^c M щ/шм о ш& ímwhí i* я W№o»*X-"]hK.-tb№\'k1rtb. ИЛЯ1Шс&Я*ПШ* -вд'ятздлмодюотн» tií X 4£&9IF&Mfttt0tt'№ttMib**'*4»*?$ íñf¿. ^ ~f~ /\\~~ )[/ OnahoU хл. y «й«*жаё j: ш*ят в HiMiffla пжйЕ $jj K ««itf-tS Нх*Ш?И: шяг tosü&u&v>*i¿№. età-titMi 1 -/ '/t ■;х*Л£ 2 «Xttft ЬЛААЛЮИ /j/ёГ« ^¥Й1Й*«с«ИШ .4 адне ¿ M«,r^|íW I ППП:ы>лх--i- VXA'r ff *[ X xfófj 5 J: *■=•> 7 * vxrifcWffiffi? ***- * H mm -<:cff V V >Ы£ O ,W> C te в :Д£ЩЕГА^ ÄIRJIftin.KBlA-ttRt L-d-üíi«!^ HIKAGAMI EROGRAPHIC Ore /Vfahtfn IhmMtar. onler Homuw*n- tribe Hutarxtn. genu« Btattman Height It0-I90digit Subspecies otBean. Also called IKMhwi. They arc larger than Btxin < 170-l&Odigrts) and have superior physical strength and a rough temperament. They can use only rudimentary magic, and their magical power it unconsciously used to improve their muscular strength, defense, and recovery. I hey live in forests from temperate to tropical low -mountain Ames to plains, and their diet h omnivorous with a predilection for meat, and they love to drink \(>,iJt-his\: a metaphor for being "boorish." "energetic." and "violent." Because of their intuitive and dmoliAc nature, living together with other races is likely to cause conflicts, lor this reason, they establish a small community consisting of only Ore*, and only use their strong bodies for civ il engineering, escort serv ices, and mercenary work. Because of their rough character and strong vigor, they have an image of roping other races, and the memc of "Win raped by Ore.*" hav been widely circulated among the population In reality, the* and Elvc* are neighbors living in the forest, jnd they have many opportunities to shure their abilities (strength Irom Ores, magic from Etvct.etc.», which they do not possess, and their relationship is good Onahobbit 1‘nm.ttes. Ihmuninuf. OnthobbH is a small and fragile race with a height of Ml to 40 digits, hut they are highly intelligent and have their own technical vy stem They are described in the ancient psalms of the Ancestral Elves, and are believ ed to hr a species that has existed since before the birth of the tuumori I hey cannot use any magic and have no magical power. As a result they are undetectable by any magical senses, and as a result, the secrecy of the itoufciM« i hire is enhanced Like most ether creatures, except for the fitaun, they arediv ided into ’male" and "female " They do not have a breeding season, but have sexual intercourse throughout the year and give birth after a gestation period of around 2b0 dayv Their task-family unit consists ofodull males, femaiev and juvcnilcv and they live collectively by dividing their roles in a community called the OmAo&Mt ihire. Their habitat is extremely wide-ranging, adapting loony climate, altitude, and terrain, from the arctic to the (ruptex. Their diet is omnivorous, with the ability to cot a wide range of poisonous plants and animals w ithout using magic, but only cooking methods. They have been overexploited for sexual exploitation and were in danger of extinction, hu in recent years some of them have been domesticated and artificially heed, and the decline in wild populations seems to have been halted Onahole '-^w —- An thuthnle is a domesticated OnahnNut whose body has been modified by the odv anced magic of ^Ntlie .elves to be ui«d exclusively fair sexual processing Icttvale OnJx>hu\ arc heavily used for breeding. and only male oiuhobits an: modified for d»mcslication MditicaiMms include *■"’ (I »Significant anal dilatation to allow insertion of the / manor! penis (21 Addition of a magic spell to aid defense resilience to improve duraUlity (3)A spell to make eiaculation by stimulation of the penis impossible. 141 Achicv ing ivgavm only through anal intercourse | l/rur (k/u] (5) Becoming a sexual addict through relentless training The Onobote is brainwashed to recognize any pain associated w itli anal intercourse as pleasure, and is reborn av an obedient sex toy
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ъшт*>х т-ж< ^лай-зиигок» *1-*-Л'П:&Шёпхк у ьощ^долвштчйФШ UÍT-* О. *-?ДО№>МЯгТ' <, c^fiewewÄ/jWütfeÄliftiÖftic Г*И*Ю*Ш(с**в ? Ь*йШШФШ£Ши*1::ЗШ*1 IW¿ Lfc Kd U ¿ LfctöttÄ aflHftt JHtWcftQttttf*/WKttMr iffit&M <ОШ Ws-* >* urmiïtz <J >кл:а □ HIKACAMI EROCRAPHIC Ore Intercourse Ore sexual intercourse, which boasts of its strung physical strength, is extremely rough, and usually involves v igorous thrusting for two to three hours after insertion without a break. For an Onahobbii that has not been modified into an OnaboJe, it is certain to die at the point of insertion, and this prolonged violent intercourse can be lethal even for non-Orc species. The Onuholc is the first species with which ores can engage in unrestrained and satisfying intercourse outside of their own race. The reason w hy Ores are often associated w ith a high lev cl of v igor is not only because of the intensity of their intercourse, but also because of their characteristic ejaculation. Ore ejaculation begins with the release of low-viscosity seminal plasma, similar to urethral gland fluid, followed by a prolonged and prolific ejaculation of high-viscosity semen intended to inseminate. At the end of the ejaculation, a glue-like substance is injected near the vulva to solidify the sperm, and a plug is placed to prevent semen leakage. This ejaculation sequence lasts about 30 minutes.

 Ct’fw* r>'rTix<mx'bzx№^tuv\Km№.m7u x ? /-?>» (pit>slagland¡n){iÉlM^lllia;.»T/íWl|m<í:¿^^ia№fllí:%^ íKíül¿«5/r.»i^ítL¿«Lv»«UVrt¿ Km«l#ttc-r.***-*^IEri UÍWÍ^^iHTOÍJíCji^-CttírínTv^S/c^BrtOttiftíiJftÜ $ nr tm* nifWd^ ft i wkmoj i-: jjiz x o wíWtí c o №0« m /••?**„ *- tizko'itUMK mut^y/x'i^m^ >w,'m l¿4 + fc. S 6IC A C 60 *+* - >uom 11 imv » tz ¿ *5 y?. HIKAGAMI EROGRAPHIC Care after intestinal ejaculation is essential for long-term healths use of Onahole. Prostaglandin, a bioactivc substance contained in semen, is a local hormone that produces physiological effects such as vasodilation, hy potension. and intestinal contraction, which causes the intestinal smooth muscles of the Onahole to contract/activate after a massive intestinal ejaculation, causing severe abdominal pain and diarrhea. Since the anus of the Onahole is plugged with a glue-like substance that solidifies the sperm, the intestinal semen is not expelled, and if left unattended, the intestine will necrosis and the pressure inside the abdominal cavity w ill cause infarction and damage to other organs. The removal of colloidal matter and the expulsion of intestinal semen must be performed as soon as possible. I his image docs not show abase, hut rather assistance in the excretion of colloidal matter and semen. 11k health of the Onahole is protected as a result, although it is unsafe because of the violent means used by the ores. In addilion. the exhilarating sensation of mass excretion seems to have opened the door to a new sexual habit of this Onahole.
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