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Cl*n sick of asking unanswered questions,f ^but where is everyone?) This...Thats Tutori $* fl long tine ago, * Injured, he a nan fell into called out for the RUINS.help.,TheWill,artist,undertale,fandoms,Undertale porn,r34,xxx-files,Undertale comics,papyrus,Undertale characters,Papyrus UT/DR,UT/DR

OneN^cwrfi search. .ri/^ S\A locket?Mi ml J,Its novkey,but whatever.r(The cellar locked, know why, but I better .find the key and get^Theytwo yjueens accepted him as'well, | treating/hi X with care. it* Over time, ANGEL and the man became close. Very(Why does this place look EXACTLY like Tutoris

No where but down. . . \\ (Eventhe cellarIJh -\ - The man became-Then.), very ill.* The sick man had one last request.- (Actually two counting .the quickie.)* (Shut the fuck up!)* To see the flowers fromIuiiionn\billage.* But"there\was noththatcould

* She gained great power,j and a great veing penis(This is exetrenely Iw Vto take seriously.)!^\\\ vy ~ i ' / prrfffl&tez With the nans lustful soul, RHGEL crossed the barrier.* Sheplaced him onto/it* RHGEL reached the center of Athe village.* There, she found a bedyof, white/flowers.GO'Suddenly, a

* ANGELAS lustful soul afftected the villagers that got close to her. V __________ a* Angry, enticed, and confused, theyjgrabbed^at>every part ofnuntl /inrinii^^nH 'ihno-i nn hnn ^ANGEL, usingNand abusing herANGEL had the sexual energy to fuck then all Vip./Cfiah! hy head is throbbing!* hy dick is

* Queen RSSMORE decided/it was time to.end our suffering.*Every human7nale /that falls ^here^ will rbe fucked tOideatkilled lowlu.^M^WiNiMiSssr V m*Every human^female^who fall herev willlbe/Executed, J\ killed^uicklySHSk 1* UithMhe^lustfuljjsouls-of men we *can shatterithe barrier II lust^wanted to

* It's okay. . .* For it is notlong now.* Queen RSSMORE will release us.im rr^pm * Queen RSSMORE give us new hope! U*- Queen RSSMORE will save us all.! II* n11oon QQQMRRP nnnwi cori nc ,ml i nitGd di.Ck?It. . .it doesnt natter.,TheWill,artist,undertale,fandoms,Undertale porn,r34,xxx-files,Undertale

* Together...*kYou will determine the future of this world.* Thats then.* Now,m* So youre finally* fit your journeys conclusion.* In a few moments, you will meet the queen.here./m.measures rapes youaffectionthem.mist**Ho. It is an acronym*It stands for Levels of Violation...Violation?Ofj a

*...though you.*you hove never violated, nor token the lifeof another.*'course, you're not the nicest guy by a long shot.*and while your cocl was hard, you kep certain tendernes' in your heart.*no matter who ships you face you banged...yA% m a 1you stive thing in thw/ * you refused to harm anyone,

* unlike me, you've something ^called "determination"( Determination. . .(That word again...)...Thank you. Comic.But.. . It feels like this weight on my back has become immovable. Things have elcalated faster than I couldvefor.rs+m- /%* we're all counting on yoududfl- I AM ^It. . . It doesnt \feel

good.* you're REALLY going to like what happensCfln i??>* do you wanna havewell--uh,I'J- wh -Fucking dannitffVou scared,me half to de^ath! u What even are you!?,TheWill,artist,undertale,fandoms,Undertale porn,r34,xxx-files,Undertale comics,papyrus,Undertale characters,Papyrus UT/DR,UT/DR

" heeheehee~,H-Hoiy-m*ni) _- -vmHah! Hold on Let ne feel then!4' hohl haah! <^M~ ' "fffZW***<a>% >)/ V / / V t\ " )/'1 \ ^j ^?4*-1>!,TheWill,artist,undertale,fandoms,Undertale porn,r34,xxx-files,Undertale comics,papyrus,Undertale characters,Papyrus UT/DR,UT/DR characters,,,sans,undyne,Undyne

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* There v>ey ^(More motherly^ than Tu. .^toris/.* Is someone there?^^fire you. . . Jfl-flssmore?* Just a moment,* I have alnost finished watering these flowers*+ZtZf / V**wSSS&SvSSs(Her^voice:. ./she> looks'so~big,, yet-she sounds so.(. motherly.)Howdy!,TheWill,artist,undertale,fandoms,Undertale

* I. . . I would like to offer you a cup of coffee. . .* But. . .* Vou know how it is.* Its a beautiful day, huh?Iare singing,are blooming. . . *a iII ~ : {for-qf'9* Then. . . what we(Dann, now I see she s calledSi,TheWill,artist,undertale,fandoms,Undertale porn,r34,xxx-files,Undertale

this feels tense* Just think of it as* Are you ready?Honestly. . . I d-flssnore. I ... I made a lot of friends along the way here. Before we... well, you know. I would like to say ny last good-byes to then.(I cant do this. ) (I cant fucking do this!)(This dream became a fucking(Someone. . . (uake

H-Hello...* Hey. . . !* Uh, this is Hokyel. . .* (Shut the fuok * (This was your up. Tenpus!)idea so-)Hokyel?What is it?* I in at Snowdic in front of Tempos .* Later bitch!* Vou have to deliver something for me?* uh... please?Urn, sure. I was uh, going to head to where ever you girls were

One re* Hey, heyt * Did you remember my name?/A /l\/;Oh right. . . Flare Hotgirl or whatever.\*Vou REMEMBER*t*Thank you~M* I 11 always remember that you remembered?(After what I*ve learnedf N J- 'T 'M >^ S'^-1 cant look at any^of ^ these monsteV^girls the same way again.)

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Another boat-ridi:er.fn\tI_n* (...)* (fl-flnoher letter?)Syhpla?(Wait, I can hear her through the door!)ess Ill this one.Look, I do forgive you, b-* find you seen to wrote it with such passion.* -Knowing you, thats notsurprising.IH-Heheh^^ti* Th-thats okay.. .\ .*/*\Wait, did YOUwrite this

J1\V( J-DATING START Shes getting dressed?/ l f i(Hof Focus Frisky, Focusf)*Un, anyway?*Lets doUhh, actually Sy-0-011, u-u-uaittHuh?Okay! .. ?* Umm, I* ve gotta giveI ||you items to raise * Ive been stockpiling * u-uh,* This nagical dildo harness for sturdier. .your affection statistic first?in

PffT..........Hf* This is where Hokuel and I come all the time. . .'l]i* We find all sort of* Shes really, uh. . .(sigh),/ f / fflhhi? /U-Uwi/ but h-*e-get)this.date, r-really started? 1 V l I /Haah, I'Jhooaa-* V\vjW, V\-VW\~* Really??,vou re uhh, * Oh, I uhh, well,Fully stimulated~ nore bold^uere

monent of build) /! 1W. . . Well, I guess it was obvious, huVeah, you realli RERLLY like herV-Veah, I* n sorry.I thought if d be * Ppetend date withtun to go on like,Ja cute, kind of...oetter.Its alright, this all started as a misunderstanding. I kept the date going because...*

ThatHokyel* Shes so confident and strong. . . and funny...xx* I really an sorry.* Nokyel's the one I, Un. . . wanted to go on a date with.* But, I mean. . . Shes way out of ny league.(find fucking terrifying...)** find I n just a ^ nobody.Thats not true, youre the royal scientist.That has to mean

learn the truth on their own.In that case>-Its better if thei heared it from youT* rather than have then find out themselves.* r n going to ness it upf* How can I practice!? v- ; *J| ft 1Ue could try to act out your confession.Act out?Like R-Roleplaying?iilllVeah, Roleplaying!I'11 be Nokyel, and

gfpll* flhen,ti ftVltSWt,THftV s wwa X fM BTlfcWV.Hat hs !|H , * oiad to near !*H-Hi Hokyel...jiili*H-How are you today?0* HOKVELt \ * I LOVE V0UM SPERR OF LOVE?**HOKVEL?*FILL MEWi U /,TheWill,artist,undertale,fandoms,Undertale porn,r34,xxx-files,Undertale comics,papyrus,Undertale

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r a-nhr* Iwasjust- inean* Thats a sexy dress you have there Syhpla.*- IJhats the occasion?* Vou two arent just fucking, Are you two actuallyDR TING?t* I nean, we were, b-but Frisky,* I nean, actually he was only romantically roleplaying as you!,TheWill,artist,undertale,fandoms,Undertale

'\\\\1....ve been lying\\\\WHURT???t . !Eve' thing fI told you that I needed to borrow one of your spears forscientific analysis* Really, I just...I just use it on "^myself every night.*Rnd those hunanl history books I keep reading,*Those are just dirty drawn DoujinshisAnd the history fiovies,They

(IJhoa. . . is rarethis(Shes being, darey I say, "gentle..'.)* I. . . I just uanted to impress you...* I^just thinkrr.^ you're really n \ neat.^j 1* I think you re neat too, but youve gotta L realize. . .$I dont care that you watch hentai or read dirty Dou-whatevers.PRSSIOHRTEftave * I dont want

* Since youve beenTusing one of my (spears eachV^ /nightTTT^jyyHnhTGetting fucked by me should nake youREALLV HfiPPVi\(I should probably give those love-birds sone privacy... if I can find my pants first...)(Dann, well, problen solved.)* Make yourself useful mmh! find jam that ~ over - sized ^dick

Uhh, you sure about that? I dont uanna intrude on your momen-- S IM SURE'! * 011 JAM II III TOU WIMP!!W>hh... uo h1 " Set thiTLn'.a iMMHH't \ THERE WEBannit nanf YouMr -.'WHy&ee#ftretaking too longfr H-NOKVEL!POT* V-VOURE SO FUfiHH, feUCKING NEOTfi'^RftHH-rrUthnnh! the spear!* HMHMHM? like THRTt

One three-way after-glow later...* Oh yeah, that reallyput a snile on MV face.** A little bit of one, actually.* H Haah#Bufthot m nothing 1*If you really want help letting loose;* That^s gonna takesome "special' training. 0-oh fuck yes!train net?*Pfft, no.*I dont have time* Hah. Im gonna get Tempus

Sh-She was kidding, right!?^Sorry, ny brain skipped a beat.What Syhpla said earlier ;* Hritai's real, RIGHT?*PLERSE TELL ME/fp'svREALM* FUCK* Thank^Pu, Frisky, ^for telling ne the truth.You re welcome.Veah(Theres a lesson to be learned fron all that. )(1/just hjishrl^knew '.Rifat it.was.^f)!X -


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