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Translation [English]Kurogin partPiOn that day, mom brought a human back home "From now on he is your brother!" she says.P2He always gets sick and acts weird.Why does a weirdo like this get mom's love?Then I realized, mom has been stolen away by that human.P3If I don't get this guy out of here, I'm

getting an erection (blow)Kris: Are you afraid ni-san? There's nothing to be scare about. Col lege is tough, right? Let your dear little brothercomfort you.....Asriel: Stop...Asriel: Hmm...KrisP4Kris: Hmm...!The cum is pouring out ni-san...(swallow)Kris: We haven't done this so long. You really

ni-san! AhVKris: Can you hear me ni-chan? What happened?Asriel: I'm sorry Kris, I wasthinking of something else....Kris: Hey ni-san, look! It's the horns of the little lamb. Isn't that memorable?Kris: Now I am also a sheep. I can have babies for you ni-san~ I can be a mother of those little


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