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\\ to meids sec, P/^T/H'1B cc ihf ^(roOobi/ fkke/'// mate you tallec c,i)ojld &alme thills Oi/f- - ,fltote me'"LookiXACTlYlike her.^fasoyneone oot there.You Kvuow I erf- jvj^ri <Jjire y0j 5>o/neboJv3 appease7 oti m/ LshW ytite mM II thoj^t of seemcjL # flakd Glanceand yet/ here 9he isAy\i \ hwe her

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Sffif THERE for SM* L LBG I g L)S ho, 1 1± n =1 m in □ □ □
1 \ | 1 v\ f ^^нГЗ/erû 1£.-Л Ш ! 1 « 1ЙШ
I Know wW \ I you're terc |J^ I can Pee! yojf Utye% Your re b become fdod of fhe CL/6'fomecs I 9W6 thib Service to 15 for four (jliters■ hM^pyifF^rtnd rte like. But" I can Feel fW you have al I'eaoly inaJe up /®ur tk«f your desires . are fulfilled. . sVi oa/ ffic ^ Show me Phfo bodily Physique fhaf you Sorry-I £yffcr from ft Hi dT K 1
\\ to me ids sec, P/^T/H' 1B ¡cc ihf ^ (roOobi/ fkke /'// mate you tallec c,i)ojld &alme thills Oi/f- - , fltote me'" Look iXACTlY like her.^ fa soyneone oot there. You Kvuow I erf- jvj^ri <Jjire y0j 5>o/neboJv3 appease 7 oti m/ ¿Lsh W ytite mM I I thoj^t of seemcj L # flakd Glance and yet/ here 9he is Ay\i \ hwe her Reties / Lwe thus > I f>'aftp| ■ J B; ' H • b^ i i\V~ /A l• |||^- -^,.1 \ f uk, U I \ / > iJM 1* u f ( v r — / ~~~ * Hn^4 L M r\
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Ho? He's, рШ Some deranged thoughts in yoof minci Ш i& Саиьт you to Acf ^ № W<y. V ufv^ , // р У F / / í¡Йва èi 'ш/ / / vAv №
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0 HoovruxnS ГО DAT Ûbj j2»> [Ji Sk Кй L к J л я л Я\à*!£ %а j В > Ш д ■ " 1 К —
r An Al^BUck Guifar, Interesting g/' A Pho|e>fiuy pl^& ft ^uirar wiHl Hie sam^ color. it lie ploys droi/nd the neighborhood V V I commission him from fivne \o -time fo take pictures of my a/stowers. The Ughtino). is ejes, what he s^s is perfectly In^yne u/i(h the Golifen Ratio// \ me / t* l&ST S'fjots 0 w w 1b o4\ (ki liflawilel Aid \ / ymc $2£ ac /oo tianChi! (I № \ nil lx. ' I ! Mi a I cWt U’lif’C I Vuwert inifodyced // ¡;„(Vl to each oihcc/ fkriflii! I have ^un ^ 0 / anfwre io\l Iwo flW/ meet d once .V Vi.' S3 w \ .Vk k A now if 1 j«f \inenber lais Wme- how cum I f»rd ke name <fw fhofotiuy. -fa appM, iW bee*) on l «1 Pliob6t)/ // W!m k^ Ft wvlk ’ \ i\\ # 0 rw’* V 1 I I I" w i OH tlY GOP, U05 PCAD m-
No *Jer he ; fe my call6 Ço^-кНШ^М he vjaz \0)№Щ *e because i ö«»ly ço\A \\\W b<df 04 fbe 1<»*1 (¿тпшьУМ i ,. Imimrrb Well be togeVVie 3 ШШ T / 1 / /
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Transform' Il »VI 1 0 *N0 HEART w • \ \\ Щ ■B^v л нЯш|Г iîu _л F4L

Our \jf mere- I'm jus! one jelling ^mhow you &houlft '°°г '[[0b Was !bal fitne When we sent my broten t» «»He- h.«MS bisl«a ferf . ball of 50П- uana а Incfóbous ¡teatttfh PéSefi/^á If-
wir op'fcst mk a bit ^ of Jiusfments- ^ I didn't real If Ы a clear reference of,,Pm Of ^ dear, no need jv flatter. fW $b€ fit" 0У1 сШе*~ 0(с^еЩ I th#K I left iV fere, L Jusf^sec- к Г ХДН '> 4 , %' 1^Цщ j|L 1 / х^31 Н^н \ !■■■ v , I / / V 1 lit 1 v 1/1 Jil i rffiTf | J / / ^ ^ \ Щ \ J§ fl J КVovjVif Arrwzinj. Yf Г i \ \ x*“®1" l Qmne. Ж 1 ^ 1
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