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216TEDDIURSA QLittle Bear PokemusuThe premier confectionary musu in the Johto region are Teddiursa. This is largely due to the musu's love for sweets and their advanced sense of taste that can discern more specialized flavors than most. While the musu have a particular affinity for Beedrill and

Teddiursa is often a very desirable companion, especially if you have a sweet tooth! They like people who appreciate their confections and bring them new sweets to try out!

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217 URSARING OThe significantly larger and more a-ggressive sisters to Teddiursa are Ur-saring. While they rarely go about in public compared to their sisters, they're towering height and broad frame make them difficult to miss in a crowd.Ursaring's primary responsibility is to acquire honey and

Ursaring are less common than Teddiursa, they aren't too hard to bond with but be aware they can get pretty sexually aggressive, especially during mating season, keep the claws in mind!

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- 215 SNEASEL OCloaked in dark clothes and dark teal fur, Sneasel can be found in the frigid highlands of Johto. Often they can be mistaken for humans and other musu, as they're prone to disguising themselves. Though Sneasel can always be picked out by the salmon colored feathers on their head and

Bonding with Sneasel is not for the faint of heart, you either have to be as smart and cunning as they are, or more...that or have something they would value enough to keep you around instead of rob you blind!

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x* 214 HERACROSS Qlvocmemus u1The often elusive but always vigilant protector of Johto's forests, Heracross, are beloved guardians of important landmarks and outposts far from other villages. They manage this with their durable natural armor and impressive physical strength. Most appear to do this

Bonding with a Heracross requires a strong sense of justice and desire to protect others, having a sweet tooth is also helpful, so long as you are willing to share any sweets with the musu, they'll greatly appreciate your company!

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