ry, cousin u^Jton aJ^wa^s V-nows Inow to clneer me up. I’d been (feeJfrn^. super ^iim ever since Mom came bacV- home a^jain and sto£e J? Dadd^. awa^ (from me, cutting me 0(fvF cfrom rry. damorning. dicV-in^js. LucV-iJ^ D>jJ?.an stepped ri^ht up to <fi ill that hofe, / „ Jf, ”%k'\ I didn’t even hear f ___________________„ him waiV- up behind me whiie I was having breaV-vfast and bevfbre I V-new it he had me bent over the counter with his cocV- pJJun^in^. into rry. ass! He made me spiil m^ cereai. but I didn't mind
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