I cautfhtup with Nicole just Outside the editing room at the studio; neither one of us had anything to do -for awhile qet. I mean, Lori and Désirée were out getting lunch for evenqbodq, Natasha was helping Jim sçt up some props for a modeling session, arvd Celeste was up at the front desk at the other side of ft« building. I figured we had at least fifteen minutes,maqbe more, to have a little fun...
Nicole didn't waste ¿ny time; tossing her clothes into the corner and Climbing onto the counter nearby. She was already pretty ujet; I didn't have ann problem sliding tuuo of fingers in up to the knuckles.
Then she laid on her back-, and I gripped her the hips, spinning her around tooj^rds me- After a quick lick, I buried mq snout into her crotch, sticking me( tongue in as deep as possible, lapping up her juices. I was sure her moans were gonna draw attention to what u>e were doing!
We didn't have a vibrator or anything /ike that, but Nicole said her water bottle would probably do the -trick- So I stripped down, laid on back, and put the cap end of the bottle into nru| mouth. Lohen I was readcj, Wicole crouched ouer me and lowered herself onto the bottle.
We fimstvd t/p moments be-fbre Lori and Desiree returned uui-fcH lunch. KJicole and J licked each others- muzzier clean, and then (jot redressed. Best of all,it was onl<^ Mondaifwe still had the rest of the week to have fun... [
>tni ^pArtCf5S^" oncjs upon A i-inr»Ef -t-htrruVfO +hr££ PriNCESSES.thEir WAMF5 were 4-AiiY onr*,?rmC€Ss-u>ri ah\> htr nigMEss >UtAShA. Story: WAt/\$hA J-EN-Ers'.iori Pictures: ' "Cl 4.IVJTU» IN ^ Dig CASf-JLf ANT>-fh€/ ^ADAiHOS+ evcry-miNg -htsy n/ANfeu, tXJT M 1C >-n oj-LDisjg-cw A nvEAN, h'l bEO</> -troLL who Nj€V£r 12E+ ‘PriNCESSCS hAv^ AWY fun/. rortftjMfs fhF^eAW ^olL vjouLT) \rtU At 1-hEM. 'gEkhET -trie\<l\N' , PAwSofFA , MOtoriVClH/ 'I JuS*- SPENt «VEf PAYS \ci6*V/vlg if! +hEV wEreN't ALUOWEb f o t>n'N<3 hOrtF AWY bor-FViENOS bECAUSg ++VE +roLL WAS SuPPOSft) -Po WA*Ch «VEr +T»e Pni^cES'S'FS. +his MADE+T* pn'viCES^HS
but Vr&N ON* DAYvlnctss -Lori SOMf+*h7Nq vj£Vg САГМ VOTES ! WÇ î>0/v> »^AFtA StAY IrÆrg AND put Up uvi+hA+ MEAN-hrc¿l! La one vv^út +^E -troLi. SJ-ÉP+-, thf priMCESses biAt hiM SCNSeV^SS AND fbfN A*¿ hiM- Н<Г h.gKhJE« MAtAShA fVEN MADE SûMf TfiöM toul fhEN t^YALVV-lVED hAPPU-Y fver AF+tr: ÇXTEPT For troLL -
Zk Dipht before Ctoistmqs in hopes that saint Nicholas soon uouid be there.. ©WOT by 0MI17 Che sisters uere nestled an snug in their bedsj while visions of miscnier danced ,-------------------7—cV through tneir heads... [ ■■ 1
fCjhe (iris thouqht it uas too qood Introductions ueremade, and the reindeer confessed it rad been quite a unite since they last fondled breasts. but to c they snuck out anyway heck out tne creu. "Cney bad mavbe tuent-y minutes before Rudolph came tack... enough time for a quickie, but not in the sack. Wf CAN DO IT ON THE FRONT PORCH ! JUST REMEMBER TO KEEP IT QUIET, SO \NB PONT INANE UP OUR MOM! J the deer uere nornv as hell, and in need of a fuck!
o Lori laid on her back, land covered her fingers oitn spit...
Chen she qot an idea that sne uianted to try...
low tnat their sexual appetite tneSsisters decided to qo back up to oed. / COT WHAT\ WANTSC> FOR CHRISTMAS!' SPEAK FOR sfiicf FOR YOURSELF J'Mihia ’ Htrrw‘ THE SHOVJSR.. Rudolph returned without makinq a peep, but was shocked nearly senseless; his pais were asleep! And as ftatasha reached ouer to turn out the liqht. She said to her sisters *. r 1 HOPE YOU BRUSHED] Y£R TEETH, OMYK. i Hope YOU rut' OH A DIAPER! THE £MD?
МЕРЕ NE MAV£ A ¿ЕГГем сРЪМ NANS ^APPöTE ОТ ^ ГО*Г ¿AVDENDAlE E/DP/DA ANO f/£ ¿JP/TES : V fi£4¿¿r¿W¿ Г№ S7UEE YOU £'*¿S Do /fr 7M£ rtx/os. /s W& A VT O/AtfTf & see/м6 усо do ¿ "SMtifP m/ZXSO? "У ней, мщ ra/#£ //fii/cxf си/у* мере mas ) ¿NEENED ro C/vE ynv ШАГ you Uf/WT. ¿OP/'S JUST COMA swr ме зельем му ¿ecs Я/СМГ? ¿'iw тт tou р/й* (ef4W? ЛСЯШМ1 См ress'i can't SEE NOW SNAUtfC А РАМГОГ SCHEME UNO'S ' . сомнете/ у ¿overee IN CVP COUD Poss/sty ее \UM /«г V&S /Г S/Y/tf ms ¿£77EX 7Н4Г^ СщШМУА M€MJ\ "OCEST'?WHÀ7V i YOU DDT/Г У I
Salutations! Hope you enjoyed issue 2 of “Genus Spotlight on Skunkworks.” There weren’t as many single strips this issue because there were two complete eight-page stories, three pin-ups and about 90% of the “Onyx” portfolio. There wasn’t much room left over after all that. Don’t worry, though. I’m sure the girls will manage to find more mischief before too long. Never a dull moment... I took the opportunity to showcase an upcoming print of the girls’ mom because I’ve gotten several requests from folks to draw her again. I can’t promise there’ll ever be a portfolio of her. but I can assure you there will at least be a couple of prints. Well, I guess I rambled on long enough. Thanks for buying this issue! Let Pat and Elin know what you think about it. Is it cool? Does it suck? Let ’em know! Until next time... N.I'MNA -
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