Cubs at Play - Coverpage Comissioned by: Shippo Kitsuneyoukai 7-13-10
Bad Kitties • page 1 Felicia lay naked on her Bad. A sixteen year old Sianww, aha had an aversion to clothing, preferring to ¥ lay about naked. It Is Saturday night, and for once, Felicia had no date. Her mom was on a trip, hor sis I ad a data, and dad was off ....some where, probably having a drink. So, Felicia, left to entertain herself... J I was all ready to get me some, and then....can you believe thls- he starts talking about his last girtfriondl For, like an hour, he’s playing with my tits, and stroking my puss, and the moron starts talking about SOME OTHER GIRU So, I did what I had to do; I yelled at him and told him to bring me home. What a loserl I was sooooo horny, I Just wanted to fuck tho daylights out of him, and now..... nothing! Can you help me with this sweater? I don't want to get makeup on It... Kltsui
Bad Klttlos - pago 2
Bad Kittles - paga 4
Kittens at Play. Look Felicity, these little kittens are even younger than us....and Just look what they're doing! I think we can help each other. Maybe even have some fun We both, have, needs. I guess all three of us do. Now what would you enjoy? really, It's alright. What would you enjoy? Kltsuneyoukal - 6-10-10 based on a story by: http://gray-muzzle.sofurry.comi'
Bad Kittles - page 7 Kitsuneyoukai - 6-15-10 basad on a story by: