Rarity (Sur-navne unknown) Class: Arcane Rogue Race: Unicom Age: 24 Stats Strengtk - Average Dexterity - Very High Constitution - Low Intelligence - High Wisdom - Average Charisma - Exceptional Equipment Leather Armor Rapier Gem Darts Gem Augments Thief tools
Luna's Notes: Rarity is one of our most capable agents. As the Spy-Master General of the Solar Throne, tkis should come as no surprise. Ske is tkrougkly capable and extremely versatile; ker guile and ckarisma allowing ker to adapt to almost any situation witk grace and ease. Her specialty kowever, is tkat of an infiltrator. Rarity possesses an almost legendary reputation amoung certain circles of entering and exiting highly guarded premises comp letly undetected. Her work during tke Griffon Wars supports tkis reputation. Wkile Rarity avoids direct conflict, she is a capable fighter regardless. Her standard arms are a mastercraft rapier wkick ske uses expertly, as well as an assortment of enchanted gems; many of wkick she uses as swiftly tkrown darts—in otkers she stores powerful augmentations wkick can access quickly, muck like otkers would vise potions. Tke skills for making these gems are unknown to all but ker —it seems to be a secret technique she is unwilling to share.
Rarity's biggest weakness seems to be her pride. Ske doesn't take insults well, and demonstrates extreme emotional variances wken under stress. Strangely, these only seem to exkikit tkemselves in non-critical moments. During missions, if Rarity kas any "drama-queen" moments, she must supress tkem until a more appropriate time. Rarity's origins are unknown to vis. Tkere are no record of a noble birth that could correlate to ker. As suck, ske's suspected to be of common birtk, despite being a unicorn. Ske refuses to speak on tke matter. Rarity kas a reputation as a vigilante known as "Generousity" amoung tke lay-ponies. Ske kas been seen delivering notable portions of wealtk to tke poor and down-trodden, or saving tkose wko would be exploited by tke powerful. Ske is seen as sometking of a local hero. 1 would reccomend Rarityjbr the "Search for Harmony" team; tkougk 1 am lotke to lose ker eyes and ears kere in the capitol, her skills, experiance, and tkreat-assessment ■, ability would be invaluable to safe-guarding Twiligkt. 1 am concerned witk kow ske willfair in a team, witk ker emotional temperence but 1 beleive ker strengtks outweigk her weaknessess.
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