I»# «¡ü m Mwry • •V v / «■Hi il» % I. I m We should' reach Mexico city tomorrow, around this time. _ It's coming into sight Emilio. are you happy now? »1 ¡111 I would be №1 wasn't so hungry... It's Caen de Natchez -VÂYi’A'ï By the time we get there, the festival should be in full swing. wm mtmm So your stomach won't have to hurt for long! I'm on summer vacation this year. >x ¿i-; • ».*. /V - rnMmm v A'/e
ШИ IBI When mom returned home bock in NY, She told me that she was getting re-married I really hate her new guy... I'm on a trip to visit my dad in Mexico. 028 And stay away Prom the back compartment. Mexico City is close to where I work. Wanna This is Chris and that's her trailer.
I really don't get why mom is into So I ended up hitchhiking to the west. . it* \ that guy. HalC-way through, south oQ where I was, a car was stuck in the middle oQ the road... Thanks! There's gotta be something else to eat here... Hm!? What did you V.V.; Since I was in the wilds under the hot sun, I didn't have much oQ a choice... mmm ■I 029
The smell oP Pood... Chris, you're slow!! We were starting to think you wouldn't come this year. Spill m&L I’d never skip out on all that money- And all oP the Pun my partner and I get to have! / There's booze waiting Por you! Can't wait then!! No need to rush with the Pood!! The Pestival had just begun- I I Well you didn't last long... r Ah- ^ You can't just drink that on an empty stomach...
You don't look so good... How about we get you back to the trailer? Saw»x-:v:v^v-:v/>>:vX»:-:v. mmmm iiriSi WHO.., ARE YOU!? 'A'iV I'm 3ackie mmm Together, Chris and I travel everywhere in our , home. , Were prostitutes mi:
mm Pr... prosti- tutes!? Is this the back compartment!? mm - • And this trailer... ¡¡its SHI: WHAT THE HECK IS THIS!? I put them on while you were out cold. Why am I wearing these.... explain! I'm doing that too... iirt* See how excited it makes me? wmm 'WW:, mm Uah.. What
тВт шж штт тт тт мт+\ \ \ : Л ■ц Ш рш V й!! ВИВшИ •:;• Ь $ШЙ аян айна 8а <зшр/ МУ 1 А88-Ри88У ?ШГЪ АМА21Ь)<Зг к ¥¥ ХТ'Э шв гм МВ 1-Т1к<Зг КЕЕР 4 ТНкиЭЯкбг ^ ¥¥ I •ХХлХ <50- <3(000! уонй соек 1& 8Т1КК1Ы<& МУ бнамеь-еэб АББН<Э1-Е~ ЛШШ :: ......'Л
XT ^EEl-S SO AAAAZlN<3r THERE/ XT'S OUST TOO |\v <5rOOP~ AH RfcSrHT THf-RE . V/”W.*. -.v . ■.-.W.’.r-. ss. sss.-. . .%V/.%VAWAW(WiWTO9AW,WXi,A ‘: Si i ^ ' YOU'RE SCRAPING MY 1NSIPES... KEEP THRUSTtNiar YOUR COCK MKE THIS wmmmm I'M Gam* GUM...
:■vX-Xv* //XwIvMvXvX 1 A XvXsJ >X:<::!y ■Xvfo: /V/AX-rw”//. / •:•: .•: : . ; :• ■ ¥mm O sv v -r l m. ®iiy\ :lr. i * :\*j •. i ; \ lÉMfe ^ ■ -jr » I ; W • ! Lir. I •: t ’•Ï • • I V ;. ; 11 Although you're younger thon me, you were amazing.., ■ -. -rr.-.r, ■yy-yysy.y/S.ff ¥ssyy//s sys/r> y s*.’ \yyyyyyyy-y,-: Wmm You're about to find out... What others...? / ■ ■ a • tVi iVJ
W7AV/yA You go and break one of the rules? \ÿ\y/ CHRIS...! Emilio. Even though I helped you out.. This isn't what it looks like.. I would've forgiven you... W-What are you saying ... AH!? 'ivÎÎXvXWi But instead, 111 have you help us out. L-LET ME GO!! Chris is going to make you feel really good. Don't worry, it's ok! >v.y № lip® æüH Mi She y I trained me like U this /\ too. Youll be working tonight! It's N gonna feel amazing really . quick...
DONT! wy.^xoi/ o .. C-y.-. rs- ; feîîfej-:: iVVAVMV.W/.V s#»;? rntm. YAV.^ÀV/. - />. v‘ ■: y y*7 :‘ Ipll »vffiii;, fôsæsiK oÇ sweat The truth |is that; mmi ^■end^J ^really C did Peel^T ItÉlil
lliñeallvi m§á y.yy.-'/Ziíy ■ y.-.- V.V.V.V.V, Aviv! SAjSStfS:* wmmmm mmm&ú 038 Mmm / .......y. y fc • / I can give you a lift to your ' dad's k house. You could still be tired Prom last night... So you're really Pine with it here? v.v. V.V.’.V.V. SHUT UP! 3UST LEAVE ME ALONE ALREADY!!
I have to forget all oP it!! And that situation with my mom. I have to Porget! Everything that happened last night.., ■ «Vi :v:Sv$yi: • • ; .vXvyXy*«*, 1 g i :vXv>x*^^ I 1 'AV/Aÿi’iJ \ Ï I wonder just how much dod is going to be surprised... This is so ACter oil these
040 So, you wanna ride with us? A 1 ' / £ s.•.% , ||p||||§| !vMv!r \v!vXv!v!v! Wherever your heart desires! m4vs.*fVi; Where to? WAV/
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