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Feel it in the Gutfucker

Twas brillig, apd the slitby sloots did gyre apd trerpble ip the jizz wavesl All b<>n)y were tbe wbore pelfs....Tbap Priestess Tyrapde Gutfuckl...apd tbe cocks that they got stuffed witb were totally outgrabelThey lived ip peace apd also wbile breakipg off a piece quite frequeptly ip tbeir awesorpe

.Tbe Fire Kiogdon) attacked! Ar?d by that I njeao Gobliijs!CHARGE!!...But tbey njade tbe mistake of warjderiog Mo tbe Nigbt Elves secret circle jer-l njeao sacred breeding circle!J 1  V' 71 nil (./v' vl )p*. 1 1 ,futa comics,futanari,xxx-files,futa on female,futa on futa,futa cum,futa elf,futa

Tbe gobliijs terrible greed was tbeir downfall, for tbe awesorqe ijigbt elf babes bad sonje , spare coppers apd tbe best cocks ever!Tbats wby I invented tbe 4 fuck pack! ,4 I used to bave trouble fuckirjg roy goblii) arjd also doiijg tbiogs witb rpy  barjds... /,futa comics,futanari,xxx-files,futa

No ipatter bow bard we lesbiar? qo rpake babies!Tberes sarjd ir) everywhere!\JAfter tbe goblips becarpe tbe pelfs bitches, the lazy ass apd durpb trolls rpoved ip to their towps because they couldnt ever) save their owi) towos fron) a n>urlock attack!stir)k!Also theyThey were so dapg stipky, wher)

And tbougb tbe trolls put up a brave front, tbey failedlLike tbat one tirpe tbey were beaten by orcsl And Muriocsl And nigbt elveslPretty rpucb everyone reallylMucb sexing was tben badl,futa comics,futanari,xxx-files,futa on female,futa on futa,futa cum,futa elf,futa exotic type,wow

We wontstand for tbisl Tbe TaureiK nation will initiate tbe rnost agressive peace neogitations  Azarotb bas ever ^ seenllWLLS.TfJiNG FOR TROLL > } /\BOSF SOTRjpperry  /*/ TROLLS SuL i/TOLATTONS ANL sex MSM-MOOOIIIIWedemandpeacelManifest destiny. r bitcb. ^This stuff is grade A udderly deliciousl >^

Meaowbile. tbe vik plotting plague brewing sloots, tbe Forsakei). have four)d a i)ew lady to worship!Tbeir poor fanatical rotter) braii)S car) ooly bai)dle or)e boss cbick at a tin)e. So tbe old oi)e was put out to pasture!Ai)d becuase tbey were gross tbe r>ew boss lady bad then) all wear gin)p

 were also relentless skaijk n)eats, only really good for being cock cozeys!Tbe Blood Elves never really posed a threat, because they were really really dun?b. slutty. and tiny!With all of tbeir allies fallen, and also sucking dicks, tbe proud warlike race of ores bad no choice but to

Wait wf)ei) did Tyragdes awesorge gigbt elf dick rgagic rgake Garrosf) agd Thrall igto clicks? Helf rgagic ROCKSIWow, tl)is ore is fuckigg TWO borsesl WOWIAgd tbe ores bad totally lost by gow but they didgt care, because tbey were so dagg slootylWowzers tbeyre just begdigg over for those awesorge

Ar)d geez it was so i>otl Everyone was sayirjg bow great pigbt elves werel (Hoarjl)F-frost-njoar)HUNGERS!-babies?! ^ B-bot ) oot prepared ^ for babies! >Tbei) sbe njade Artbas arjd lllidai) bave a litter of (OH GOD FOCK MEI) BabieslSbe njade then) both (ONE (JNF) beg for ber baby batter right up

Twas brillig, apd the slitby sloots did gyre apd trerpble ip the jizz wavesl All b<>n)y were tbe wbore pelfs... .Tbap Priestess Tyrapde Gutfuckl ...apd tbe cocks that they got stuffed witb were totally outgrabel They lived ip peace apd also wbile breakipg off a piece quite frequeptly ip tbeir awesorpe tree towp place, uptil.... F A * Ы \A\ y\J 'шУ// 111 l In 1 ' m \ SL^JI I But although all the totes super cool Night | elves were grabe, po ope was гроге outgrabe... \ |
.Tbe Fire Kiogdon) attacked! Ar?d by that I njeao Gobliijs! CHARGE!! ...But tbey njade tbe mistake of warjderiog Mo tbe Nigbt Elves’ secret circle jer-l njeao sacred breeding circle! J 1 • V'» 7 1 nil ( ./v—' vl тМ) p*. 1 1 л
Tbe gobliij’s terrible greed was tbeir downfall, for tbe awesorqe ijigbt elf babes bad sonje , spare coppers apd tbe best cocks ever! Tbat’s wby I invented tbe 4 fuck pack! , 4 I used to bave trouble fuckirjg roy goblii) arjd also doiijg tbiogs witb rpy к barjds... /
No ipatter bow bard we lesbiar? qo rpake babies! Tbere’s sarjd ir) everywhere!\J After tbe goblips becarpe tbe pelfs bitches, the lazy ass apd durpb trolls rpoved ip to their towps because they couldn’t ever) save their owi) towos fron) a n>urlock attack! stir)k! Also they They were so dapg stipky, wher) they started to encroach or) pigbt elf glorious kii)gdon) spaces which is everywhere or) the placet really, the selves had i)o choice but to take actioi)! Quick, lets lesbiar) гроге before they take usl A Also there s qo way we evolved fron) then), have you swelled a troll?! Л_____ТТИ
And tbougb tbe trolls put up a brave front, tbey failedl Like tbat one tirpe tbey were beaten by orcsl And Muriocsl And nigbt elvesl Pretty rpucb everyone reallyl Mucb sexing was tben badl
We wont stand for tbisl Tbe TaureiK nation will initiate tbe rnost agressive peace neogitations „ Azarotb bas ever ^ seenll W™°LLS.TfJi NG FOR TROLL > ■} /\BOSF SOTRj pperry а и/е*ь / TROLLS SuL i/TOLATTONS ANL ау sex MS M-MOOOIIII We demand peacel Manifest destiny. r bitcb. ^ This stuff is grade A udderly deliciousl > ^ TTjis n)ust ^ be wby tbe centaurs kicked tbeirbuttsl
Meaowbile. tbe vik plotting plague brewing sloots, tbe Forsakei). have four)d a i)ew lady to worship! Tbeir poor fanatical rotter) braii)S car) ooly bai)dle or)e boss cbick at a tin)e. So tbe old oi)e was put out to pasture! Ai)d becuase tbey were gross tbe r>ew boss lady bad then) all wear gin)p suits iostead! Except for Bob. wbo for son)e reasoi) showed up it) a fur suit. Dude, fur suits are NEXT week! Tyraode is both pleased, AND wii)r)ii)g herself ^ at tic-tac-bo! A ) A / SLUR* / ilA f N и \ l\ 1
ТЬеу were also relentless skaijk n)eats, only really good for being cock cozeys! Tbe Blood Elves never really posed a threat, because they were really really dun?b. slutty. and tiny! With all of tbeir allies fallen, and also sucking dicks, tbe proud warlike race of ores bad no choice but to respond! ...tbe Night elves challenged then) in a Mak Goras to do both at once! And a roigbty FCJCK OFF happened! They revel in fucking and fighting and seriously do not stop! Fucking and fighting all the drpe! So since they liked doing both so n>uch... V ^jy Hg \i c \\M I |r 4 \ vVVr 'kj TL
Wait wf)ei) did Tyragde’s awesorge gigbt elf dick rgagic rgake Garrosf) agd Thrall igto clicks? Helf rgagic ROCKSI Wow, tl)is ore is fuckigg TWO borsesl WOWI Agd tbe ores bad totally lost by gow but they didg’t care, because tbey were so dagg slootyl Wowzers tbey’re just begdigg over for those awesorge sparkly gigbt elf cocksl SlutsI рГ отЬ. У \ '//К \ / У N Ж
Ar)d geez it was so i>otl Everyone was sayirjg bow great pigbt elves werel (Hoarjl) F-frost-njoar) HUNGERS! В-babies?! ^ B-bot Гп) oot prepared ^ for babies! > Tbei) sbe njade Artbas arjd lllidai) bave a litter of (OH GOD FOCK MEI) Babiesl Sbe njade then) both (ONE (JNF) beg for ber baby batter right up tbeir baby sbitters-OH GODI T-tbep Alexstrasza carpe aipd-OH FUCK , MY ASSI ^ A-aj)d every о r)e PRAISED Tyrapde Guttfuck-AHI , Still a etter love story tbai> Twilight.
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