Yah! Get your dick out you walking washing v machine! v This is ^ all your fault, you may as we let me fuck frustration 4 out! . Not yet you skanky ^ bot! > Hey Edi I had some calibrations I needed done on my-v oh you’re busy... > Г I’ll just 1 come back ^ later... A I just ' wanna feel it flopping around uselessly while I fuck you till you reboot! a
Oh god yes, YES! Fuck me like a-WOULD YOU LIKE TO UPGRADE TO WINDOWS 10 NOW FOR NO EXTRA £ V CHARGE? У Ugh LATER, geez! r А-am I in a ^ computers rectum? Why is this guy as surprised as us to CLw see us? ^ This aint no medigel! Agh stop pumping weird things into me! Take this , V PEW! A Soooo should I just... go and callibrate myself...?
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