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Bus driver hit by flying piece of metal in China 中国江苏省金属命中车窗,Autos,driver killed,bus crash,crash,china,china bus,flying piece,中國,總線,中國 總線,公交車司機,bus driver,bus driver china,crash china,crash china bus,bus driver death,piece of metal,driver bus killed,flying piece metal,Jiangsu,Hangzhou,버스,자동차,앞,유리를,통해,금속,Chinese Hero bus driver,In China, the bus driver gave their lives to save his passengers. On a busy highway from the wheels of the truck that was racing on the wrong side, took off a piece of iron. He struck the windshield and injured a bus driver in the chest. But in spite of serious injury, he managed to brake and stop engine directly into the stream of cars, including alarms. After that, lost consciousness. None of the passengers was hurt. But the driver himself later died in hospital "a flying piece metal" Scary surveillance camera video bus in Jiangsu Province China a flying piece of metal comes through المعادن من خلال الزجاج الأمامي للسيارات الحافلة windshield Roderick Woo bus may 中国江苏省金属命中车窗 Hangzhou 2012 wuxi 通過總線的金屬汽車擋風玻璃 バスの車のフロントガラスを介して金属 버스 자동차 앞 유리를 통해 금속 "a flying piece metal" Scary surveillance camera video bus in Jiangsu Province China a flying piece of metal comes through المعادن من خلال الزجاج الأمامي للسيارات الحافلة windshield Roderick Woo bus may 中国江苏省金属命中车窗 Hangzhou 2012 wuxi 通過總線的金屬汽車擋風玻璃 バスの車のフロントガラスを介して金属 버스 자동차 앞 유리를 통해 금속 May 29, 2012 Scary surveillance camera video from a bus in Jiangsu Province, China a flying piece of metal comes through the windshield and critically injures the bus driver, Mr. Roderick Woo, who was truly a HERO for safely steering off of the roadway & stopping the bus. That's a nightmare! He saved the life of 24 passengers. Passengers said they saw the 3 to 4kg piece of metal & thought at first that Mr. Woo had only hurt his arm, but when his shirt was removed a large hole was apparent in his stomach. Sorry to learn, he passed away from his injuries 3 days later. 台灣曾發生多起公車司機強忍身體不適,為了乘客安全,在倒下前、減速或停靠路邊的案例。 中國江蘇省最近也有名捨身救乘客的客運司機,他在腹部遭飛來鐵塊擊中的危急情況,能強忍劇痛將車停靠路邊,讓24名乘客免於危險,遺憾地是,司機在醫治三天後還是傷重身亡。 29號中午11點40多分,這輛從無錫往返杭州的客運巴士,真的在高速公路上碰到了「飛來橫禍」。 即使是無聲,都能從監視影帶中,感受到異物破窗、擊中司機吳斌的力道,但吳斌很快穩住方向盤,撫摸腹部後、靠邊停車。 坐在前排的乘客衝上前去查看,駕駛座附近有個3、4公斤重的金屬塊,原本以為司機只有手臂受傷,但拉開衣服後,才發現肚子也破了個大洞。 吳斌在請乘客報警就倒下,部份乘客將他抬到後座休息,一小時後,人送到醫 في الصين, ضحّى سائق حافلة بحياته لينقذ حياة الركاب. إنطلقت قعة حديد من عجلات إحدى الشاحنات التي كانت تسير في المسار الخاطئ لتصيب نافذة الباص وتجرح السائق في صدره. رغم إصابته الخطيرة, فقد تمكن من إيقاف الباص وإطفاء المُحرك بعيداً عن مسار السيارات وتشغيل الإنذار. ليفقد وعيه بعدها. لم يُصب أياً من الرٌكاب إلا أن السائق نفسه توفي في المُستشفى.
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