FORMAI S F ASO N CITY STROLL SLEEPWEAR Outfit rvfaeiK«* ârv not viumU- to rcprcwnt actual body typt' -Height: !67.Scm • -Weight: 113IB -Kyc Colon Crystal Blue -Species: I dine Age: 18 Tcmpcrmcntal Wdl kept - Coarse Sarcastic - Cdd Kind hearted A lSJ' Full Name: Iruka Julius Stralnc Born in 1891. Iruka was horn in Japan in the province of Osaka under a mixed western & eastern family. Family tics are cut short due to the fact that his birth was more of something to he expected of rather than desired. Needless to say. he has taken great strides to fashion himself in the world of industry, and prides himself on his knowledge of etiquette and attributes that shotild benefit him in the growing advances of the world. He's not one that finds comfort in the company of others, as he prefers to lie atom* and work on his own things, lie Is close to very few. but to those be does Find company In. he enjoys it greatly. He isn’t fond of bis family, for reasons that should not be dictated here but despite bis relationship with them he is well aware that should he (day his cards right he'll obtain everything be needs to take over the family business. Due to business oppurtunltles In the western nations, his father l>ord Stralne and their business partner the Steels, send both him and his relative Tanarl, to llngland; with little choice in the matter at all. Once In Ixindon Iruka would learn the charismatic skills he lacks, no thanks to is families ahhrasive methods. ami hts cold social nature, to better suit him for reigning over the western branch of his fathers company. However... ever since arriving to this forlegn land. Iruka seems to suffer from nightmares he cannot explain, waking In hot flashes and surprise. Despite seeking medical attention there Is no answer for what could he causing these afflictions. While attending the University in London, he meets a strange man by the name of Lucius, who scetm all to familiar with him and his personal life. Tanarl Is morbid, his family stranded him in this foreign land, and this man Is very strange... and even stranger murders have been happening lately. Iruka sighs coldly. "Could things get any more tedious?" y"’ l N.. : Chess, Reading, Piano & Harpsichord, Roses, Fencing Seafood & Pasta dishes, Tohiko, Tea, Apples, Curry $)№*■ : Liars, Biased Arguments, Procrastination, Ignorance, Artichokes & Cucumbers, Hot-weather, Half-Assed Work
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