rNowl Makel [ a fer-tili-tg 1 saving ikrow.
B-b-b-b-bon vng rolls kave been ^ski-) lOnlgk-tj^
and PRAY
for a na-ti к 2&I
Y And -tken Г imake savinc •tkrows for fl Lo-tker seven iMroll loads!!
A~3nd tke next gug kas a pki^osis COCK!!Man, goblin-Tera LOVES a bi+ of cbeese LaLaTke! Tke gu^ AFTER kivn tkougk kas a DOG tkat is 5ft on .ALL FOURSWould gou PLEASE jus-t ku^our ker? We're going to be kere all nigk-t unless Goblin-Tera doesn't like being raped!
w AIN'T WS UKQ, SrmriCALLV . IMPOSSIBLE A* SIX TROLLS PER 6R0UP, THRQQ 6R0UPS PER NCOUNTR, SO THAT'S &.M..A&..X&W TH THR.Dick modifiers:SIZE^ EXAMPLEM) demoninotaur ^<frasque f specialICH MAX. OCCUPAHCV1 (*5 gaping) special (chart 6-9)