LUDCORP FULL-ENCLOSURE LAYERED SUIT DESIGN #5X5 ANC n*[/f{\ing earphones Copode of nv//iin 3 ony extercel sovnd op to *0 Db end broodcostin3 /SMR. 24/9 witroot stofp^3 Scented nose cover 100% breotroble, con retoin ony Gpplied SCentin3 SObStonCe lor Op Hypnotic visor Tronsnvssion /roAi tre MCU co/' oe reptoced 03 ony of 0 tv30 cotolo3>oe of boiH-in videos Touch-sensitive boobs Desi3ned to be os close os possible to tre reol tiu/13 tO 0 A'Ontb 1VIKI UriL« Con retoin tre ori^nof srope for 0 (0^3 time end doesn't 3et tvined oy to 331*9; WA&AflAlG: it con snop cock ot /oil /orce i/ polled too vehemently SeoAtless e^dost/re Con on ly t>e seoled end onseoted by specioii?ed mocrinery owned by lodCorp Inc. So/t rubber libs Adrere per/ectly to tre onderIyin3 dildo 305's ed3es and con stretcr occord^ly Volumetric podding So/t rubber, Zeds reolistic to tre toocr; completely incorporoted into tre onder sod, non-removoole MCU Ki»neAtotic Nodes Force ire wearer in 0 remotely comroled motion by bein3 p^/sned to 0 speci/ic point kn locol spoce* LV2/3 vibrotors f^on on experimentol wireless power source Very shi^y hoir Aoeit reolistic in looks ond meter io! properties, trxe des^ner decided to oive trem on especially sriny finiSb y Very sbi^vj btex (tocher soit design: 2H-£> rev.2) Fits tre weorer per/ectly, smoothly stretcbin3 over every cranny ond srope - troo3h mointoinin3 on ever so s!i3TU wrinkly look Very shi/>y toil Doesn't emolote tre /or, in exCron3e lor bein3 sexy of Elastic hollow c/ilc/os Con stretcr to fit ony enterin3 Object; contains o Kero D-ri*3 trot con oe connected to ony compose pDTD set to tre some /regency AW-in-one LU6> Sound A'ona u.itr 0 series of Aiicrovibrotors, contoins 0 Nono D-ri*3 trot de/colt connects to tre soit's two man diidos; desi3ned to per/ectly /it tre wearer's oretrrol spoce 'WARNING: foiUre io cofibroie the MCi/ or tre tpoonfom nodes coot/ resix/t in very dispfeosiny resets; LodCorp Inc. wif not be meld responsible lor ony mistoke in opp/ytnjj Hi/bbord-Siroionovicb irons!or n«aiions
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