Crossover Story Act 1:Ice Deer
BviLovelessNova J^kaA/avacung \
f They said ^ that I could find my challenger, Oleander, the black unicorn around here. A Oleander ^ But they ^ said "she" is a black unicorn with a white horn... A who is this^ dude unicorn that I have just defeated V here? >
r Suchadirty^^ mouth you have... Not only have you attacked me first, but now you insult. me too? Unbelievable! L.The'V ” King of the ’ Ciystal Empire, was defeated a i lowly, freakish, I can’t let you go without teaching you a lesson . first... ' Teach me ' a lesson huh? Do you plan to . torture me? . f HAH! Pain can’t 'v break me anymore! Nothing can be more painful than regrowing your entire body from V your horn alone! Pain? ? Tortured? \ I Did 1 say anything ' 1 that would make i \ you think jL \. that? Spr) yv ■ ■ J\
l \ ЭС ЭС ЭС э<1 A\^/^l ( np4^ V О t), •v* V •v* ^ ^ /К ’ у >—-, - / J 4 ;;¡¿ N\/ ^iwith^Pl ТУВ\pleasure.. J> kl
With pleasure? > HA! Are you going to please me like some kind S. of whore? S know soon ^ That pleasure-can hurt too...
r A male... > It has been so long since I last met one on my w journey. J kr Let alone, % one brave enough to confront me... A worthy guy to have some wrong, Mr.King? Do these petite hooves and ’ wet mouth of this lowly freakish deer feel too good . for you?
Wait? Wait!? Wait!! body,like Sombrai V Wait!?! J ' What are y b*. 1 you going I I how long you l 1 can last before J \ cumming... J f*' 1 dirty semen ruin 1 y I my beautiful I \ ' \ fur coat. J
' Grrr... ^ Y-You did that on purpose!! . You Bitch!! . Well...It's not ~ like pain bothers you anyway, ^ right? > 5^$ ¡>v / Oopsey!! \ AT J f Sorry, I didn't \ mean to do that. | i It just slipped from / \ my weak, little / \ hooves, y
Gonna CUM!! AUGH < mm . \\ A // \\ A // \\ A// \\ A // //▼\\ /7yT' //▼\\ Fv A// \\ A // \\ A // \\ A // <X* *** 7 / y^/ V 1 /MYCUMlhPL /^X Z/' ( It's not ^ v /V\ . \ \ y i I sx dimming [. -j w \oiit!'/ \ -iMi- 5«c -iUi- 5*c -¿M£- 3
GAHHH Good! Not a single drop of seed leaking... r Grrr...^ Perverted k Doe!! J ^ Get ^ that damn rubber off r-—' JmL/ f J Y I can't let A 1/ r¥Z rl \ I yi you make a Vi^ mess inside J/y /^..While^C^l LA ofme... / J I I have my W X fun! J—A
' OHHH!!! N SO BIGGG!!! My pussy is spread to its very limit! , r No deer \ has ever made me feel this v full before!! > ■species . feels soooo good!!
■ STOP!! r My cock ’ is still too sensitive!! ^ See-? ^ 1 told you that even pleasure . can hurt! f i ^ It's ^ heavenly good!! j ' oh!? Oh!!' I’m so close to. ^finishing!! 4 vSr Your cock is ' f too big, too good for \ me to handle!! I’m going to explode my W sweet cum all over ) Vis. your cock!!
AHH HHW r N00' OHHW. ' Let's me V cum this J mj| h k time!! J 1 ! o ( f§5fF y /¿Jy Lo| |(f^g i yWWi How y ^ 7 / i (Xy^ l about- f00^
Ahh... Such a nice relief after a fight. Hmm? ^ Oh? ^ Did someone pass out from too much pleasure?^ r I guess > that’s enough for IV now.y Maybe this^V f might be a good ’ time for me to leave. Don’t want to feel attracted to you W or anything a *Giggles*. y^1
^ Hey! Fred!! > Are you sure that the end result of the summoning spell k appeared here? J Stop calling me that! My name is . FHTNG! . Whatever ' Fred, just answer the question, i Fine! Fine!!A We are really close to it v now. > Then * where is it? ) I don't want to waste my time in this . frigid cold for J nothing...
There he is!! It's good / to see a fellow ^ unicorn, even from another world, and what’s more! He’s even completely black just like me! k We are going to a \ get along just f But what kind f of kink is that? ^ f What kind of mares 1 I would do this to him? 1 [Don't they know that sort' \ of thing isn’t healthy 4 Yfor that organ’s cells?^ Poor guy... T Maybe the people in his world don't have much knowledge when it comes to biology < k I suppose?^^
WAIT!! ^ OLEANDER!! I don't think you will be safe- a
r Grrrr... > Did I just pass out because of the perverted doe? >( You.... How dare you... I helped free you, but you end up thanking me by soaking my face with your filthy y. cum!? y
I think a bad-1 mannered stallion needs to be taught k a lesson... A asure I\qa H j 1 * i \x\ o / m \S\ ® \ M, ¡m\ i1 y m % w/A f To be continue.. J
AFTER WORDS Thank you for supporting me until now everyone, my fifth doujinshi couldn't have been completed without all of your support. Thank you sc much for giving me the chance to become a full time artist, so that I can use all my time to entertain you with my art and stories! This Crossover Story comic was in the planning stage to draw for so long now. The main plot itself was planned even before I graduated from University, and that was more than 16 months ago! I had planned it since I found the characters in Them Fightin Herds game interesting. All the characters in that game were designed by the same person who designed our very own mane6. And somehow I just wanted to draw a comic that merged both worlds together. And this comic is the result of my madness!! A- I hope you will all still stick around so I can see you all again in my next doujinshi!! >w< "The Crossover Story Act 2" Charcold (buck) Velvet (Doe)
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