cuno VVj libido has awoken in a wajj íve never experienced befor Is this proof or self delusion? Dajj om of ¡nfer^efirpi With th& Nrtedfact *42 I I followed the instructions on the artefact on m person a the niaht. The effects were. uML ■ ■ \ A
If is certcm now! I have recorded subtle changes to mg facial features, fat ¿èsfribîfim and complexion. I also seem to have lost all of щ body hair. If must be the Artefact^ follow phjSiological ores. 1 have begun craving acts that 1 have never even considered before. Shame stops r 1 .1 . .1 1 . .|J I've decided to welcome these cho Per instructions, Wherever fhisjoui takes me 1 will gjadluapl I have fi farm red maaicl
Ыпе cam е b¡ ft owag through dos, A/Vj bod) and mind eort'me to charge. I watt to fed я pr\ck¡& of marlu pride but if rot come. I like hew I look. row. hope The faster does too... The rane that has taker over щ mird wdm mj Шее. Cven) wakirg hour ! think of Her. dope to be of use to Her. VVish Shed be here rcw. Wb is the ¡Aaster ard what does She wart from me?
Dag fen Tonight is the night. In mj rational, seienfjfe mind 1 know 1 should be afraid. Yef 1 do not fed fear. Jwsf antieipation. i \ \ > m i ¥ \ I will tJiis through file end... Whatever fh^rf moj ¿d /■ i N If I wanted to, e£wld 1 fum bac\{? Or is if fo late for me? V\ds fhis all a trap?! V\/hctf am I inviting info my house? An angei, or a demon? Doss if even matte/? After all these gears I’ve finally found magie. Hew could I turn back no/? >V Ax fr >A Hml yMtwff», Mabtehh
Master. you’re- I waited so Iona- I should ¡-introduce mysetlf! I am so hope you’re fwalii /here Master,
1 ¡me to break, off ow e^gaapmew as \ am no longer free to тсщ. 1 Уш s<s5 Amie, 1 m\\sm)erstooà the instructions on the 1 ms nor Witirg The lv\aster Wo щ home. 1 ms> böm \mteA Wo Pérs. artefact. A ^ M f- Л ’A & \ à*
Th& w\c\ is full of cxud cxecftwe& that m&wderstonA Her infertilms.
Sh& m\t&Ä mill I ms г<йжк
I don t think (л human vm could survive Her If ms n&iex
will find love mm. 1 krw how difficult 'it wets for upu to find ел шл that would accept upur peculiarities, bur I am confident that you could do it againl öut If upu can find it in upur heart to forapwe rwj infidelity, I do have a
Jüin ms Afinie! Lou read not be dore. tov that The ¡Auster would love to hmeupu. SinoeTeilj, W\\m Loving 111 Loud servant of The ¡Auster
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