tUt tíoifí... ? Ем m<f utdirwiar.../?
ah.' yes, емпу, уоие cunt is so нот.'
about the Mess.' leave tha гi ч c , n e • им ■ SEX-ТОУ, EMILY MAT LET'S HE AC IT FOB EMILY.' WHAT A hapdcopb slut.' this pitch S OOZINS OUT сим fpom evepy hols.' eeeNLpuc!cNs ике рорту suys yep, looks LiKe we рискео нер stupid.' sne Лк.. LOOK AT THAT SOOpy SMILe ON нер FAce... i suess ^frJk.. WUW, »ПС &UWC DID SWALLOW A LOT OF CUM TONISHT.' ен, X PPOGASLy HAVe ON6 море IN ме eepope I CALL IT A NISHT...
wow... oust look at tonisht's receipts' mis WAS A PEALLY SOOD IDEA, EMILY/ HONESTLY, SUPPPISE0 YOU CAN STILL SIV£ ANYMORE BLOWOOBS TH ALL THE DICKS YOU HAD IN YOUP MOUTH TONISHT. Moor.. At (/Mi«, /t mast'oe, hcto hardfar poa. to watch,
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