Bonnie thinks she can cancel our dinner date r last minute, huh?^ ^ What ever! I'lljust^^ surprise her in her lab or something- It'll be so romantic Oh Bonnie-! your knight v. is here to- ^ Whoops. Wrong room... HrmP y-yes absolutely! There you are Bonnie Perfect timing. ""'Of course, it's very important to plan ahead! This is gonna be hilarious! One evening in the Land of Ooo, a certain Vamp decides to ignore her girlfriend's request... A \
I'm just happy that uue could find time to plan this ceremony for v- Breakfast Princess! ^ Sorry uue sprang this^ meeting on you aiithout ^aiarning Bubblegum. ^ What's been keeping you? Or rather aiho- She's gonna be ^ ;o excited! Geez Bonnie. Don't sound too excited to ditch our date. ~ I didn't even eat ^ anything today! Don't be silly ladies! you knouu the Candy kingdom is all I have time to care about! Guess you oaie me dinner Bonnie 2
I think an ice sculpture uuould be lovely! We could get Ice King to help? If he u>on't cause a big 1 ^ problem... I'm sure uJe can ask Finn and Jake They're good at getting him to com- ^ Pfft, aihoops. k Sorry! I just -- am so excited that we're planning this!! Are you alright Bubblegum? Haha 3
Liar... Wo you're not. F-fine! Wow, uuhere ^ were we... Dropped my ™\V pencil! JÊ^k Lemme just. Marceline! I Knoa) those cold hands anyuühere! What are you
y-yes, I think, that uJould be good. Sorry about that! Where uuere u>e? Should uue set up a band for her arrival? yes WouJ-Can t believe she's Lettin me do this. Really good-the band, I mean! 5
Princess--you're delicious you're getting ^ close... Who usants to\ decorate? . Hope you can Keep your voice down... ^ Haha! yj Bubblegum Are you oK? you seem a bit ^ unwell? - yes! I think, maybe I stayed up too late last |. night, haha! ^ Maybe a»e cut^ this short and you escort everyone out? 4 Alright! The Princess needs a bit more rest. This meeting ^ aiill be postponed, 7
Yes... | Thank you.. f WovJ nnibel you seriously ' couldn't control yourself for 5 _ minutes? you kno\jj I'm loud... yeah yeah... B-Bight there...! Here? you've been cl a uuhile... Tm about to...! 8
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