% Tracy Scops Senouslic Lou Latrell DISCLAIMER - This is a Parody Comic. Spider-Man is a registered mark of Marvel Characters Inc. This comic is not sponsored, endorsed by or affiliated with Marvel Characters Inc. Based on characters created by Stan Lee, Steve Ditko and John Romita. WWW.PATREON.COM/TRACYSCOPS
I gotta say, Red... Your invitation was a surprise. Even more with this place you suggested, I'm intrigued. Is Peter still in Latveria with the Avengers? I didn't come here to talk about Peter. I feel like I'm being shut out fi*om an entire hidden side of his life. I'm not satisfied with this... thing that we have among . us three. More and more intriguing I don't. I came here to learn more about Spidey. I thought you said you didn't want to talk about Peter. More specifically, about what excites his webhead. You're ^ much more interesting than the dull lingerie model I took you for. . Anyways... What's my part in your learning process? What do you wanna Know? r Hah! ^ You and Peter have been together so long you're starting to quip just v like him. a Life in fashion can be even wilder than uour acrobatic adventures, Felicia. We both seem to dress for the same reason: to distract silly, homy men. . I feel like I misjudged you, linger. Know? blah... I'd rather you show. J' Zl\1 JMs fll;i yl \ mAJ z . J'rp} j ^ 1 tv V ÍJCjs. ' K *" / h / x x 1 - . m/ à W V \ I 1
Song? That's just a bunch of screaming. What? You don't know how to dance? Po you think I can learn that? Not THAT! I meant being so open and objective about intimacy? You can start by ditching that kind of euphemism. while being a ^B model you're B already an agent provocateur ^ by definition. The very next step is B becoming an agent concupiscent Teasing and grinding is fine, now and then. But the right words can scratch men's minds just like my fingers can scratch their prostates. Shouldn't the teasing be half of the fun? You mean like fUck? Or suck? More like... Cunt Cut. Squirt. Gape. Slurp. Skull flick. Peepthroat Cocksleeve. Cumdump. I think I'll need a few more drinks for that kind of tourette rambling.. If JT Br You just ^ described my j mr. sex life. A j y INi mi ^ Ihm m ^ r
have no 'Emulation- ...andren T had hatf SBtggb г* in we P°cKe eeme W® e bad lucK n crossing! -K cat is ort matter of erspectwe after аи- ou cou\dn t be more right, Red- The occasion CsíÜble att/r хШ be right bacK- magbel iu\d juet-
Me-ow! you impress me, girl. You're probably more irresistible to Peter with those panties lowered than I could ever be, even with my signature half-costume look. I was just, y'know... Sending a little teaser to Peter... For that, we need to make sure you're teased enough, too. Cute... But you asked me to teach you how to tease the other guy, right? The Spider! But... ^ I am horny. Can't you see how wet I already am? Starting with a nice slobbering. Come here... Let me open the dam gates and get you properly soaked. You call this wet? uhm... Wouldn't people ever find that a little disgusting? It doesn't take long for people to start appreciating the visual qualities of a sloppy suck. Sometimes they do... At first sight. Hr ) i /] 1 WkU' / I I L IV ^ % 1 ™ 1 B ■ V ’ * g I I
r Other side effects include religious hollers involuntary ' onhSpas7s anc* enhanced chances of regrettable < ideas. j Hand me the cellphone! you keep doing that I wokn't be able to hold it much longer I'm right on the edge. °n, sweetie. That's the problem with dirls who play exclusively They forget 'bout multiple orgasms. Not to mention when w< get you to the exponential w ones. I lied... it was me who followed her home
I wonder you're more excited about ne or the whole "saaBf* to Pete. o It's not often that I'n on the other side of being sexually used. Is that a problem? ‘That can be A arranged. "^7 I this / o/oncte ftteorf •ncoltegewho \ taught me a \ thing or two. Just bear wth me as mg oysteringmau be a bit rusty. Oystering What did 1 say about euphemisms? Though i'll cut you some slack forcreativity. I Never heard that one before Which is quite surprising with a mileage like mine. Brm... This tastes familiar! Peels like 1 ve already had this flavor by second-hand slurps, you naughty homewrecker. I fed her. she seems thankful, sweet catlicks
Lucky for you, it's a taste that X like. WOW! I can't believe 5nidey hid a cute, edheaded bisexual away from me ail this time. WHOAÜ That's funny, your O-Spot it's huge. f The thing / ismy&'SP0' tends to \ fill up very quickly. Most girls ^ need some more time to get it swollen enough for good squirt. > It's nearly twice the size of mine. Poes that have my relation to your libido and the constant urge for—? sure is! Wtvj? Are you planning o surprising him to spooge the So, this squirting thing... s it really as they sau^ something /eamab/e? . you may be a tiger, but her purrs are sexier / /A \ )' X \ \r / mC ^ —''_-r V V li / 1 m / / J M \ [ if -ri ^ , v/AvMA \ ji y~” AW x/ Xu / ^
Come here, then. Let's get that marvelous thing filled up. " Jeez! ^ How can gou reach it so deep inside with gour tongue? Training? Genetics? whatever the reason, it's been dutifullg and successflillg serving as a proxy phallus for a looong k while. Fuck! Those people who debunked the tongue as being the strongest muscle in the bodg mag need to reassess their studies once theg meet gou. Wait, What? Kinky. I'll put it in there right after I finish this. Pid I hit some sorta Jackpot, linger? Kinda... \ But now I got a bit curious with ^ that other thing IH-' JJ gou just Peter mentioned. doesn't like it. Neither giving, nor receiving. He can't NOT be gentle with me. He treats me like a princess. Never even put a finger back there. Get me that cellphone again. I'm about to make sure that changes when he's back home. Honestly? We do anal more often than not. #urban\eg tongueS / Nevermind. V; Sp •'/ V / 1 Here it L\i J /! [ L■ \ /O ■/. \ LA \ 'S X [ l\ comes! ~ %/ A
Hey babe! Just got back from the mission They had a demigod. But we had a Thor. And a Hulk. 23 minutes ago Hey, you sent me some pics. Can’t download them yet. Our roaming plan with Roxxon 4G is too expensive. Gimme a minute. I'll get the wifi password with Tony. 21 minutes ago Yikes. Pass is NATSNIPPLES Tony is so dead when she finds out. Downloading... 17 minutes ago Whoa! Miss you too, Hun. Wait, who is that? I know that place. Is that Felicia!? What? How? When? Why? Are you drunk? You ARE drunk! 12 minutes ago Drunk and horny Bit of both... Maybe even more than just a bit. 10 minutes ago Why are you doing this to me? Logan is sitting right across the table. I can't hide a boner in my suit. 8 minutes ago 6 minutos ago Come on, Red. You're killing me! I can't take this anymore... 4 minutes ago So, did Peter answer any of the messages you sent him? And she has the nicest TOYS! 1 minute ago That's it! I'm coming back to the US right now. I'll hijack a Quinjet if I have to. Just Now Yes, he did. And I think we accidentally found what his foes have been trying for decades... A way to neutraBze Spider-Man and his sense of great ^ responsibly than just a lot in mof® common —oo Roxxon 4G 3:47 AM B} I < Chats Peter online o
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