STORY IFfTWERENT FORTHEM MEDDUNGKIDS VARIANT EDITION p.~- 1 . tm at - “iJ -V,4Y MUl m ^^*2; ¡5^ 1 * ti _ 5' / ***-• UiH 5 * HP B - ’«ttt !■ 2^ ; * 2|[ 1 U»f? |l fc.— ' I2H >5 ¿s« 1 ^ 5’’ ! ■
DISCLAIMER - This is a Parody Comic. Spider-Man is a registered mark of Marvel Characters Inc. This comic is not sponsored, endorsed by or affiliated with Marvel Characters Inc. Based on characters created by Stan Lee, Steve Ditko and John Romita. PREVIOUSLY. X-23 has left the X-Men and embarked on a journey of self-discovery where she quickly found herself involved in various adventures, even saving the world from an extra-dimensional demon army with the help of the Future Foundation (formerly known as The Fantastic Four, before the demise of Johnny Storm). STORY BY TRACY SCOPS and RC160 PENOLS AND INKS BY LLAMABOY GOLORS EY THUNKSTUDIO LAURA KINNEY (X-23) Cloned from the mutant Wolverine, X-23 was made to be the perfect weapon. With Adamantium-coated claws on both hands and feet, a healing factor, and heightened senses, she more than lived up to that promise. Becoming one of the world's most sought-after assassins while still only a teenager, X-23 has been forced to kill by numerous organizations throughout her life, most recently X-Force. Now X-23 struggles to find the humanity that was so long denied to her. MISADVENTURES WWW.PATREON.COM/TRACYSCOPS
f you don't really need me here. Spidey has more affinity with the kids and he'd be more than capable of protecting them L in case of— A Thank you two so much for showing ui on such short notice. But what if I'm able to change the molecular structure L Of- J Yeah, about that... ...and what have I told you about playing with my experiments'? Oh, please stay. We've collected too many enemies over these years. I'll feel better knowing you are both here. Hey! Is that a joke? It sounds like a joke but I'm not sure if it's really one. Also, Peter can protect them fhom harm... But you can protect them from his jokes. Worry not, Reed. We'll make sure your old Plaipoys stay out of their . reach. Remember, young lady-stay away fTom my belongings. What are playboys, uncle Peter? Okay, now I get what Sue meant. r Okay. Maybe I'll bump into Reed's collection of Playboy Magazines, . after all. I guess... i But now we have to clean this mess. A * I'll cover the kids' toys and you put Reed's things where l they belong. I mean, by accident, y'know? Wow... They're finally asleep. I feel like I just had a battle against an alien army. Or two. Told ya... After we let them play with some of Reed's stuff, they get way easier to handle. f jm 1/ j yl (A \ •** \ ^
Spider-sense alert you better watch out . for that—. ^ well, at ^ least you weren't barefoot. Those things can be deadly, healing factor or not. 'rlkes! YOU okay there, Laura? Your smell. It's stirring my senses. Oh boy, I've seen that look before. It's the way Logan looks at Jean Orey. But now that you've mentioned it. f Your smell is quite riveting V too. Kinda like pine forests and Captain ] ¡j America's shield? A\ C'mere, you silly mammal. Let me suck on that smart tongue of yours. Oh, man... I'm both terrified and aroused right now I need to stop kissing girls like this. The drool goes right up my nose.
w You're not really Logan's daughter, are ) you? J_____________ "7 1 think he'd fuck me up if V you were I want you NOW! Sure! But let me undress myself first. And mos'def not in this good way. Shut up and go lower, Spidey. Lower? I can't quite reach it, but maybe if I-. Oh, okay... Oood thinking! Much better, huh? Now I can give this swollen clit of yours all the attention it deserv— Sorry. That's on me for ignoring the tingling fhom my spider-sense.
The noise must have woken them up. Sue would throw my ass into space if we let the kids see this kind of— YU buttur chuck un thum thu bu shur.. We better be more careful to not wake them. Or do you think we should just.-Stop? I, uhm... Fuck it! I'll throw YOUR ass into space if you stop now. YTcnow? Just... Fuck it! Well, I plan on doing exactly that. Fuck the Fucking fUck out of it. /4 \ H » L 11« 1 I vH^’- ( \ \ \ • &ood, ^ still asleep. ^ <r ( K / / 1 - I don't know\ what's gotten into me. ^ A A / V\
I was wondering Enjoying the view, Peter? Why don't you take good care of that puss first and then I'll let you know where else you can put it in. It feels like you've got a very curious thumb prodding me down there. Oh, but why do one thing OR the other? A man doesn't even need to have superpowers to be... mi i I ' In N | ■ 1 ■j Sf ...resourceful!! \ 1 | K\ 7 ' THH 1 ' m VË; HP § A
uncle Peter? Laura? JFifrtingt I mean, training! We heard screams. Is everything okay? Practicing moves! Enough, Peter, we need to stop. The door won't move. Easy for you to say: you came already. I'm almost there. Mom and Pad haven't trained like that In a loooong time. you could, you know... Help me on speeding up that... reSef? Alright, but make it quick! Oh, you have nothing to worry... We're pushing our luck too far already. Whis won't take more than a— I Jf AH Mp i ' >
Well, arachnids are known for their ability to.. Really, Peter? Was the facial splooge even necessary? If you make a joke about webs and jizz, I swear f II snikt away your— a Laura? Peter? Wefre home! It's official: my spider-sense is completely outta whack Shush, Reed! You don't want to wake the children up do you? No problem! Happy to help. Hah! There N you are! . * I can't thank you two enough for helping us tonight! we hadn't gone s. out in ages! a Is it okay if we finish our film and maybe... Stay over? Shower? Why would they need to take a shower? Same reason they won't need more than ONB guest room, Well, sure! Take any of the guest rooms. f Alright, we're off to bed. i Feel at home, L you two. There's towels if you need to take a shower.
Migraine, hmm? Well, maybe we could try this new thing I've been working Sorry, dear. My migraine is acting up. r so, what ^ do you say? We could follow their example and have get busy ourselves too, huh? Where is it? What are these legos doing here? where are you going Reed? Come on come on.. Where is it? THBRSÜ Be right back! ^ I just forgot to turn off the... uhm... the Particle It works! No more elastic blue-balls' Thanks for testing it for me, Peter. Goodbye, Migraines,... And... Well... I suppose that I should save this Oh, the ^ hell with it... I'll y just save it along with my PlaijDoy i collection. A Scientific, V II / i 1 ftz 1 m*J l X 1 II / U/ £>7 J / / / / S / ¥ IÍ ■KrY y "V—J Accelerator m M
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