lAuaAH! I'm S+Ш coming. knofhir cfiijapoirfm*n+. YOu'rt cock '■* f-K* b*st-
I tkOu9kt 9«+fm9 paid to kav* s*x would be fun. If's more trouble tkan if* worth. I Only 9*t co(le9e sirlj tkat are too plain and inexperienced. I want someone more mature. Z7L Someone *itk curvet for dans. Someone special-
ffíij/rtíW1 дШС/иМ KW иИЭКЬог SatcMW. I rtall* Ktlp *rttK jOm»+K'»'9- A:H! КслГ? Vtrftcf*. OK dai*r'. TKi* ¡i "'S chare»!
*tí{¡j ^ffeg/tiw Sdtchikfr Waif Г! Is fKij really kappenin9?! I know you do fkii sort of fkin9 offen, r»9kf? You're fke only one I can show fkii foo* III * ¿Ш f 1 *05 fryin9 \ T-Ton'f Æ \TI1\ \\ l Out a new \ \ \ foy and r~ ^ 1 juif can'f \ just \ ifarew А Д i \ now- / 1 9ef if Out4. )
uffy ((ejÿhbtw hcuehik& Tke woman I've been wanfin9 to be with for so IOn9~ is pr*5*#lti*9 Kcr (ASS r'r9Kf in frOfit of is fki* really Kappenin9? соитие'» OK. I've dealt with this bifort. The problem ii you're all fenje. I'll start by 94f*9 you to relax. Are you ready? MwaK;
’ffylfeghlm Sátchituy / Y»í, \ but don't worn. Ill bt v*rn 9*nH*. Y-HOu'rt HfSin9 tbtrt* kh waif! I_ I can *XfMn f-Kafi It's all 9ood. IV* dont t-Kij btfort Skt's soaktd down Кtrt. H*r belli art so kof and kcavï. AH! YOu'r* rubbmS m* ttitrt too*
'tffy^eghbw §(fohikty Ok. just no funny business. ŸtrHct*. f HI s*-nd \ ( HI рак you\ ( you my Ml ) Í back for \ tafer. is ^ »Our firt*. J
УолЧ эи fuЛЛЭ dwí. Ken! Tfêjghbw XatchiMfi K^eKt. нит —1 jatd b* nod* \ f 0*Ct. \ f Уоn't SOU \ If - ]W ^ l to puiK. J \ И Г** J m v' ¿mr- V fKat- J
Picas*. CÍOtl't TKií is Ku9*! Ws íüc of r*a orttf?. WOAHí HE Y! WKat do *>u fKinic you'r* cíoins?»
Ity'fleighhtH' Safchik& J TKat'í what I Ml» i about you. ' Look how pofKcfic you Y Our ¿»*p»rat» n-ioanj„ I can Hear you w*fK *K» í**» sluts you i»l youri^f *0. One». fK»y Icav». fKatj *K»n I K»ar jOm»fKin9 naif« I Kear you »v»ry niyhf j€rkir\9 УOurstlf off* W-WH*T!? Tkat'i nof-— Лг» you fOucKiny l/Ourstlf fKinJiinS of **kat I mi9Kt 6» cfoin) on fK» othtr s»d* of fKat **»■?! You fr»« your foc» ayainjt ffc» wall, yrunfiny and yroaniny Ml» a fuckw\9 wOuruitd animal!
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ftß/ ((eù/tiw йаШиЛ* Tkcs* bo%s kov* b€Ui fk4 onl* fki»\5 to lafiifü Гп€ for a *кй*. Тксл jkow г** *kat ÿou'r» mcuí» of.
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