| details» SHUT / YOU'RB 60 ANMOYINO-COMIN All THISway just to- 11-V\6TUACT MF FROM MY 303!FTUCK/ I MISSFP 6UCH PI6TRAOnON6.V ^ ff*ir | details» soon ENOUGH, OAV IN TO THIR PSIR6AS TH PUNOON'S SRLL WAS TAKING FFOT oveR THFM | details» Minotaur Champions occupy a unique position in the clan hierarchy. Charged with defending the clan and leading the warriors during battle, minotaur traditionmandates that the Champion must not be distracted by^ ch l0n> in turn> wiU oftcntrivial labors such as cooking or crafting. Many do not sW | details» IFTfgy 816 6UY/ TOPAy^l I'M SHORT OP COIN,SO I WAS THINKIN6 IN PROPOSING AN EXCHANGE.YOU PAy FOR THE ROOM ANP WE SHARE THE 8EP. WHATCHA' THINK?.^AH/ WHAT'S NOW? ARE yOU^ TRyiNO RIPPIN6 ME OPP A6AIN?F NOT AT All! HOW ABOUT HAVE SOME PUN k WITH ME T0NI6HT? .HM... PEAL/AT LEAST WAIT T UNTIL WE 6ET TO |