ffiflit»] i OUtEj?. QsixkMSiEB?ijmSmO' ^fe&mojjso® mzFftrg) ftfh(fcl7&[vju, VpM&fflrT, /¡Xferref^fftfa ^asM^insMSM) masturbation, right? Or would it incest? Selfcest? Clonecest? No! It's definitely... story by art by colors by Tracy Scops Llamaboy Latrell SPKXPCCSTn DISCLAIMER - This is a Parody Comic. Spider-Man is a registered mark of Marvel Characters Inc. This comic is not sponsored, endorsed by or affiliated with Marvel Characters Inc. Based on characters created by Stan Lee, Steve Ditko and John Romita. WWW.PATREON.COM/TRACYSCOPS
Are you JESSICA t>RE*V? The Spider-woman of earth \b\o? Nothing Ske a good tintfng to relieve the stress of being a superher- r Oft, fuck. Thatfs it! I've been holding this the whole afternoon. Yeah, I am, but... Jeez, lady! Why the spectacular entrance? I was, uhm.. relaxing . here! . Great Web? Probable future? That's interesting and all but I think you're confusing me with John Connor, or something. My name is JuSa Carpenter. W I used to be a ■ Spider-woman № myself, from another reality. V But now I am 7 Madame Web, f overseer of the G^reat web that all l spider-people L weave fhom cradle to grave. . Now, if you'd excuse, me... well, I i hadn't heard THAT ONB before. you say that becaaaaause...? . f I know. ^ That's why I came to to you. Your sexual appetite has set motion to a path of ruin and despair to the . viaofUfEi A Reaching an orgasm would be the highlight of a very hard day— what if you see it for gourself? And your most probable future is at . peril. ,
Uhm, okay. but- I'm having conflicting thoughts about leaving mu body like THAT. , Kinda too... Ropey baity isn't it? Are you really so aft-aid of being molested Jessica? I'd like to quote myself right now and say.. WHAT TUB FUCKHG FUCK!? Pon't v worry, Jessica. V We have only ■ crossed into the astral plane. It's the only « way for you ■ to truly 111 understand bfA how ominous is ffys your future. f This is i the very essence of our excursion into the ethereal k realm... j Wait Is that what I think it is? you need to revisit the obscene | intricacies of I your own / genesis. A So yOU^N can finally (y overcome ! the prurient ■ instincts that torrent your conduct. Are we \ contemplating |\ TUB f&t? As in the / near-death, 7 "dorit go into the f&ib BHi/*, Quite the contrary, Jessica. I think your wordy lecture is not having the effect you intended, Julesy. we are contemplating the opposing portal. Because academish is actually a trigger for my girl boner y'know? . Not the symbolic end of our existence... $ I [ r ^ E
But its Whoa! Can you ^ remember this? you were barely ■ hours-old ■ at that moment. Your W consciousness I wasn't even fully 1 implemented yet. It's all coming back to me now... you were, in every sense of these words, no more than a glorified, homemade, sex dot I apologize for making you witness this villainy but it was utterly necessary... Uh-hum... 5ooo filthy.. Those bad, very bad men... Even among that depraved collection of scientists, there were some even more corrupted than the rest. vicious enough to lurk into the labs late at night and make use of your newborn body for their scandalous . male needs. i 1 HI Ax 4 Til \ 7 W7 £ v M 1 / // \>\
y/ we've seen ehough... No need to overwhelm you with more painful mem-- X guess you're right. Just let me know if it all becomes too unbearable for you-. Oh, I have endured some bigger, harder, longer ordeals... I mean, massive throbbing traumas, y'know? scientists... Always thinking about what they could do next, but so little worried about if they should Hey, I sorta remember this place... r we spent a lot of time inside these cocoons, stuffed with hoses and tubes deep inside v of us. The yellow one was my favorite! It had a lumpy rubber texture, and it kinda wiggled just so good inside w of my-- > r Jessica! ^ respite your more than evident arousal, are there any other thoughts you'd like to k share? A well, to be honest,this is a trully weird experience.- Even for someone used to ll deal with their M clones and alL.. ^ But ^ it's quite , ■ extraordinary ■ to see my own self from outside. 9o, do you want to see more of this place or can we move along to--? you kidding? 1 This is only the " ^ prelude. Take me ^ to a week T~' ' V from now! 11 msmsmÉ. ^ 7 LV N-rto, VC Wait1 it's t\ \ 1 7 important that we, uh... I V See some A V more. Like, isn't ^ pain a part of the healing or something? \ v\ 7" Q __ d' k -7* ,/ .* ' V m. \ — ,\ÈL
r Oh, you don't know? I thought you were some sort a at-seeing, all-knowing oracle person. And I must say you never cease to amaze me with your... It's more complicated than that. I don't always see everything. But I can reach it if I know where to look. And that wasn't even the hiahlight of that day... f As you wish. Y jC/ f V 1—JJ / Is there anything l / \ <. A 1 l in particular you'd / SaA /* jr j kj/l I r~, I m f] A
Ok! I'm done, we can go now. Erm... A/o/We must proceed! Tnere's still much to be seen. . wait! Are you feeling a little. Stimulated right now, Julesy? r exactly. ' Jessica! you don't, but most people would have mixed feelings about something w ike that. A Oh! This was a good day! Being Peter's first is one of my top-five moments! Oh, come on! He enjoyed that! Enough to cum twice inside his own personal femaleself. . ■ IlLHiHm YOU shouldn't sound so proud. Why? ^ It's just sex between two consenting people. ^ And if we're being technical, he was much older than I was. It wasn't right and you know it! Considering I was barely a few weeKs old by then. That fateful « i f spidercestingY 1
you were Peter is genetic just a homy engineered to be teenager, a nymphormsniac, r________^ Jessica. y~\ I B A\ One who would keep fighting, no matter the odds against him. Because he knew that his great power came with... He was supposed to be one of the bravest men that ever lived. ~&reat responsibiStg! I know that. " Yes... ^ But now al of his attention is focused on the sexual misadventures you burdened upon him. y Burdened!? Sex is an organic need, Julia' It's the ” most definite answer to life's meaning. Even religiously. "Be fruit fid and multiply"' j Except that you're not organic, are you Jessica? * ~ You're \ esthetic, \ manufactured in a laboratory by rapist l deviants. A No emotional connection. No mature development. purpose or personal growth. Okay, JuSa. I get it. Point taken. I'l try and be less... Bbidinous with him. Yes... 1 As long as you remember Peter's motto... ^ \ 1 that your actions \ \ ■R have turned l WjA all of Peter's ■■ relationships /' . 1 l VV .s* ' into meaningless A S carra! exchange L—Zx k \
where 1 did you mind bring us now? Are those.. Pead Spider-People!? On eating plates!? sexdrive has indeed proved itself capable of being positively useful. If it ^ weren't for my lusty abiSties, we wouldn't have found the key to defeat the hheritors. 6w! That's disgusting. Actually, it tasted really good. Kinda like an aged, distilled semen. By disgusting, I meant the dead spiders. Not that your remark wasn't nauseating too. Yeah, sorry. I was distracted by the other thing. Either way, Jessica... you h must be more H c j-e*u about .,o~r ■gggp sexual urges and how it impacts the people around you. Otherwise. lltllMI»1 Ir'liaM I B ■ 111 a I hi iTTiiiMpIBIK ■ W /x ^ m,> ffWflflir' 'f^Plnrr Vk 7 r,M x A ' ^ v\ P
r Whoa! ' Wil that realy happen or is this more like a figurative view of me symbolically dominating the world with my . sex skills. r NO, your permanent concupiscence will put on a path that win end in a tragic accident with Pym . Particles. Ok, fíne! 1*1 get into a sex addiction rehab program. Pon't want my vagine to ruin the world like that... But, considering we're already here.. ih-oh! I'm really sorry about this, Julia. My pheromones probabi— Shut up and do tnat \ \ thing with your I , \ fingers again. And the safe n word is 'Julesi/, by the way...
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