Uwaahü It's s-een a while since we've seen Alivios-t ior&iO-t Kow weird i-t is &ешсз in crowds
SAKI, SAKI/// THêY'Vê GOT A SALÉ OM SWIMSUITS// SuiViiVier's alrvios-t over and voe KaverV-t Счопе -to -tKe e>eacK once!!!
Idunno AoL I'd have to take, a da^ o-P-P 4-or tkat.... oWO. Actually n tkat's rvo-t a sad idea at all We should c*et £.oi n' se-Pore all -the ^ood orves are ^orve, \eK KeKeKe-
Pound anything ))ert? TKis is -taking forever Ao- ]fi=p ÓT os^ Ik /
-Mey Aoi> ^ou should pull up ^our- J Mrwvy c^oââya(V)C\\±: J-carrt keep up like -this...
r Well \ i-t's de-PinHiety &etvoeen -tKese -tvoo 4ou jus-t love wearing all -tKis c,irty s-tup-p ou-t KuK? A Wi-th a pretty -Pace like -tKa-t I dorrt e>la(Vie ^
Set ar^oi^e outside vuould B»e surprised to see tKis! > You're o r\e. -to -talk...
ГП íViake \t -Peel dorv4 you worry. И: vuorrt Б>е lor\Gl) I proíViise
Чои v/oererrt kidding.... TKa-t vuas. v/uKoa...
WKa-t ¡íp ca-tcK on? fVlfVirVi... Saki dorrt knovo i-P like -this
-He^ you're -tKe one -tKart voarvted -to e>u^ svoifVisui-ts! Т>ОпЧ Glaive (Vie .Por 'tKisü
We Щ C=lO't'tö savor 'the MorNnenrti! IkVou r really do Kave a j -top no-tcK e>utt Aoi/J)
7 Like I сэге! Vour fvoans are -tumirvG, (Vie on voi-tK ever^ , -thrus-t knock Vt oPP Sa ki, sofVieone rvVi^M: Lear us So keep purring like a k.i't'ty Por 4 (Vie AoW / Sa-Hki !!
Vou're dose arerV-t v you? t l-P pu keep f -tusK-ter\ir\û up like -tKa-fc
B»U^rvG, -these
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