f vilith, howled words and her hot breath on his neck, =*tSn&td convinces the local a^ard to allow herself avid Larissa a sta<je in the square. All that remains is a private performance with the dutiful guardsman,
[OH I DON'T KNOW-N f I OON'T WANTto upset My eoss euT.... I CAN SO ON A LITTLE GC'EAK-SYhow agout we 1 ' move this so.vewhepe mope s. ppivate?.'AHEM, TEN MOPE MINUTES LAPISSA' AND you HALF-BLF ANy A\OP TIME WITH My TlEfUNS AND YOU WILL ^HAVE TO PAy FOP SUCH... SEPVICE.jI WILL PAy ALL 1 SOT ON ME