PaliCO bnihe-l police gets Police gets
idiCo btoihel - Expedition Escbrt Яесоигн Service] 7 j ~~ 1 1гж 1
fíxIiCo ' Expedition Escort [pfeosure Servios]
{•(\ И»*1* i\ eT ¿ <№r Veter«» d* it?
Goodâ'rt lou\4 btsxtfi../ J tke yyiaite^ ? И 3J ust b eg ¡m n«V\cj / ^ be wore, •*/ ^eirfee/
IÇwhiS /«ter . Well ! Ы bad e^»,w'cß one' as ct new last on*! Just- get it all !
kW.. y°^diá Well ■ lrwlgW’ â0*'*' be ^ JV «fe
<- Al< rtwrfers must «.skower fcef»»e into Ots will to mote hunters bodjj clam os ftey coat rtsW »«.;»*< *>»•*«* "immun'izcr iAcluded. i (Smf PaJiCo bro^el - VJp pacfagz [£>*ik Service * VIP Services* are only -farafewof hunters Who are Known as legendary • All kitties onthose Services are. Elite level -Hwt fnil^-skilled to give tke best moment -for who hwneati^eius straggled in the new World
Massage. Sente- • AfW bribe . Hunters C»n get massage . Masses are. really efflderrt io^i rid of ■fr»» -Же huirte • Guts Will wfcss^ge lwfe?r's b«d¿ viterewzr-tw^ Condo as hunters Went (мд migw li#te &ааык
•Just enjog gw euew moments ivith -those ngmpho Ernies/ • but remember/ this Service. * wil^ ■for VIP/ Plug more -f-r r&acktQ / ViP hunters have. №»re privilege than otters MCm do wintewer thed w«*t Hod» «smuch as Ods Cofacitg Iftet hunter's demands are going too-for Cats Should plug asth$g weifl With Pleasure (Some ps»fle are t*> cteawdiiw whet USUalta Gont d. Cnot te»w^ ¡«possible). q$s « have a right 1» refuse Customers impolite things tteg ctemond) Otis that forte service We much more good
U/AiJ ¿id Micos _ tum into ? To Survive Ote/.) If fty frt fired or <|M -fteir Job V Seme r&tSoft. 7^ Wig|»f Starve - because, to get * Job, 7Äe^ need 4 woitin«c<)ueue ала It Can -fake a. («r^ So. ift -»МСл5e , fle f*Jias -fW neej > +o Support «--tobe where -H»eg were born afp|g+>.^ Ьгъ-ihel / | Дwhere *ese don't htAJ/e'+o w«.i+ "toget*- Recruit CSV-) \v¿ j Coshers № * V Various Size *t TocW»^ formate t-js-W. pro-riels Shouli kwe SfJ- wkobw/e«- b$o»f«eda ТЦвиеПг^й rare/Se h Usually all "the brotle\ Vkuvt-b Г fop tier CpII®** Pal*®i' I 0«v get m#d\"wn2 moneg -HwunLowtier f $1 il/jfifhol/M Bostolla C<|-4 7^*Г fl«ÿUe«o И.* Метеке »r dslike. Th^ e»(j hare tet So. 1Ц) j*st become vnhores Cw* Fuck*».'
Pal/СО Paw broHiel • No insertion (onla pww Service) “ have r\o Capad*) t» put %*** penis (Red Collar) •VovCwvtate Cats os iw/chas^ov Want (max is ç , no+r
Back Alley paJlCo °Usually, AG*t Seduce cus+orft&rs nearihe alkg. (Yov Cw\ -three-s»me or wi+f mvchmore c*te.If^ou.haue capacity) o You sKoaU beouneful on ihxi Th£'*9t because -few ®f G*+s Jusf use. T»WKjuilizer io Steal. You mils* ha«« 'te check. -Heir Collar.
o Usmatly o \A/a.tchng •Violent bôlfuü/Wrs o Von-ConsensiiA.1 o Oai allôwed
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