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Mocha/Whit'1997 Nosta' Caramel/' gramePaTDe ontny TOtbr IcedIddJfeWE' ipressoCar/^^Aacchiat CafreMocha / Wh Caffe Latte Make Your Own La(Caramel, Hazelnut or VanilCappuccino Chocolate Cappuc Americano Brewed CoffeeBlends & Single - ((India Estates Blend, Kenya, Ethio Italian, Sumatra or Caffe

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PatreonwSPAMTONr ICKSxcLimBig ShotMocha/Whit'-1997 Nosta' Caramel/' arameTa 345SPAMTONBUCKS417*85O & Vpr Icedpresso375405Choose your dairy/non-dairy-Regular milk-Nonfat milk-Soy-Almond (+W2_Cat/ ^V3^acchiat Caff^Mocha / Wh Caffe Latte Make Your Own Le(Caramel, Hazelnut or VanilCappuccino Chocolate

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Pate onGVIVSPAMTONF ICKSwBig ShotMocha/Whitr1997 Nosta' Caramel/' arame;o & \pr Iced;pressoa 34537540535Car/ 'y^Aacch\a\ Caft^Mocha / Wh Caff Latte Make Your Own Lc(Caramel, Hazelnut or VanilCappuccino Chocolate Cappuc Americano Brewed Coffee Blends & Single - ((India Estates Blend, Kenya, Ethio

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SPAMTONr ICKSBig ShotMocha/Whit''1997 Nosta1 Caramel/' arame'i <345SPAMTONBUCKS*9375405Choose your dairy/non-dairy-Regular milk-Nonfat milk-Soy-Almond ( + ^2_PatHEOnmmLTSaO Ik \Dr IcedpressoCai/arm^rtacchiat CafreMocha / Wh Caffe Latte Make Your Own Lc(Caramel, Hazelnut or VanilCappuccino Chocolate

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PAr»EON tn"y TOtbr Iced AdcUftW Ipresso Cadjj^AacchiaX CafmMocha / Wh Caffe Latte Make Your Own Le (Caramel, Hazelnut or Vanil SPAMTONF ICKS Big Shot® Mocha/Whit^ 1997 Nosta' Cappuccino Chocolate Cappuc Americano Brewed Coffee Blends & Single - ( (India Estates Blend, Kenya, Ethio Italian, Sumatra or Caffé Verona 405 375 a 345 Pour Over French Press (Full) 260 Espresso / Espress Signature Hot Cho Cold Brew Cold Brew Black (a< Vanilla Sweet Crea Citrus Cold Brew 275 Choose your dairy/non-dairy - Regular milk ^ - Nonfat milk tr - Soy - Almond f+ ^ Taxes Extra. Short - 237 ml / Alright.vAnd WHAT KIND OF MILK WOULD YOU LIKE?
SPAMTONF Big Shot® Mocha/Whitr 1997 Nosta' Caramel/r arame' Choose your dairy/non-dairy - Regular milk - Nonfat milk^jr - Soy - Almond ( + SPAMTONBUCKS SPAMTON presso ?2 Carf^^Macchiat Caff^Mocha / Wh Caffe Latte Make Your Own Lc (Caramel, Hazelnut or Vanil Cappuccino Chocolate Cappuc Americano Brewed Coffee Blends & Single - ( (India Estates Blend, Kenya, Ethio Italian, Sumatra or Caffe Verona Pour Over French Press (Full) Espresso / Espress Signature Hot Cho Cold Brew Cold Brew Black (a< Vanilla Sweet Crea Citrus Cold Brew Short - 237 ml / Taxes Extra Alright.v And vvhat KIND OF 'MILK'“ WOULD PAMTONBUCKS COFFEE

Patreom SPAMTONF ICKS xcLim Big Shot® Mocha/WhitF 1997 Nosta' Caramel/' arame’ LTlB ;o & < (or Iced ;presso ?2 a 345 375 405 SPAMTONBUCKS Choose your dairy/non-dairy - Regular milk - Nonfat milk - Soy - Almond ( Car/'^^/\acchiat CafmMocha / Wh Caffe Latte Make Your Own Lc (Caramel, Hazelnut or Vanil Cappuccino Chocolate Cappuc Americano Brewed Coffee Blends & Single - < (India Estates Blend, Kenya, Ethio Italian, Sumatra or Caffe Verona Pour Over French Press (Full) Espresso / Espress Signature Hot Cho Cold Brew Cold Brew Black (a< Vanilla Sweet Crea Citrus Cold Brew Taxes Extra. Short - 237 ml / Alright.v And what KIND OF MILK'wnui r> I YOU LI?

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G V IV SPAMTONBUCKS SPAMTONF ICKS Big Shot® Mocha/Whit'- 1997 Nosta1 Caramel/' arame r a 345 375 405 35 Choose your dairy/non-dairy - Regular mijk - Nonfat milk - Soy - Almond ( + ^2 Pat»e on W ;o & y pr Iced ;presso Car/ 'y^Aacch\a\ Caft^Mocha / Wh Caffe Latte Make Your Own Lc (Caramel, Hazelnut or Vanil Cappuccino Chocolate Cappuc Americano Brewed Coffee Blends & Single - ( (India Estates Blend, Kenya, Ethio Italian, Sumatra or Caffe Verona Pour Over French Press (Full) Espresso / Espress Signature Hot Cho Cold Brew Cold Brew Black (Ac Vanilla Sweet Crea Citrus Cold Brew Taxes Extra. Short -237 ml/ ' < f 1 1

 w SPAMTONBUCKS SPAMTONr ICKS Big Shot® Mocha/Whit'- 1997 Nosta’ Caramel/' arame' a 345 41 375 405 Choose your dairy/non-dairy - Regular milk - Nonfat milk - Soy - Almond (+W2_ Patreon xcLim LT№ O & V pr Iced ¿presso Cat/ ^V3^acchiat Caff^Mocha / Wh Caffe Latte Make Your Own Le (Caramel, Hazelnut or Vanil Cappuccino Chocolate Cappuc Americano Brewed Coffee Blends & Single - ( (India Estates Blend, Kenya, Ethio Italian, Sumatra or Caffe Verona Pour Over French Press (Fuii)_ Espresso / Espress Signature Hot Cho Cold Brew Cold Brew Black (a< Vanilla Sweet Crea Citrus Cold Brew Taxes Extra. Short -237 ml/ Alright.v And what KIND OF MILK'wnui n f you LIKE? / / /

Mocha/Whit' 1997 Nosta' Caramel/' grame’ PaTDe on tn™y TOtbr Iced IddJfeWE' ipresso Car/^^Aacchiat CafreMocha / Wh Caffe Latte Make Your Own La (Caramel, Hazelnut or Vanil Cappuccino Chocolate Cappuc Americano Brewed Coffee Blends & Single - ( (India Estates Blend, Kenya, Ethio Italian, Sumatra or Caffe Verona SPAMTONF 405 375 a 345 Pour Over French Press (Full) 260 Espresso / Espress Signature Hot Cho Cold Brew Cold Brew Black (a< Vanilla Sweet Crea Citrus Cold Brew 275 Choose your dairy/non-dairy - Regular milk - Nonfat milk it - Soy - Almond Taxes Extra. Short - 237 ml / Al ri g ht .v An what KIND OF MILK WOULD YOU LIKE? ON Whisperfoot

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Patreon w SPAMTONr ICKS xcLim Big Shot® Mocha/Whit'- 1997 Nosta' Caramel/' arame’ ¡T a 345 SPAMTONBUCKS 41 ¿7*85 O & V pr Iced ¿presso 375 405 Choose your dairy/non-dairy - Regular milk - Nonfat milk - Soy - Almond (+W2_ Cat/ ^V3^acchiat Caff^Mocha / Wh Caffe Latte Make Your Own Le (Caramel, Hazelnut or Vanil Cappuccino Chocolate Cappuc Americano Brewed Coffee Blends & Single - ( (India Estates Blend, Kenya, Ethio Italian, Sumatra or Caffe Verona Pour Over French Press (Fuii)_ Espresso / Espress Signature Hot Cho Cold Brew Cold Brew Black (a< Vanilla Sweet Crea Citrus Cold Brew Taxes Extra. Short -237 ml/ Alright.v And what KIND OF MILK'wnui n f you LIKE? / ■ ' - { ; • ■ V*£. ■; ■ i ; y.:Vv'> •”':- - . Whisperfoot

• Pat»eon ■ y XCLUSIVE LT№ ;o & v pr Iced ¡presso r Car/^V^tacchiat CafreMocha / Wh Caffe Latte Make Your Own Lc (Caramel, Hazelnut or Vanil Cappuccino Chocolate Cappuc Americano Brewed Coffee Blends & Single - ( (India Estates Blend, Kenya, Ethio Italian, Sumatra or Caffe Verona Pour Over French Press (Full) Espresso / Espress Signature Hot Cho Cold Brew Cold Brew Black (A< Vanilla Sweet Crea Citrus Cold Brew Taxes Extra. Short -237 ml/ ? m Alright, ¡A/LIA-t VS 1 ■
SPAMTONF Big Shot® Mocha/Whit 1997 Nosta' Caramel/' arame SPAMTONBUCKS Choose your dairy/non-dairy - Regular milk ^ - Nonfat millTH - Soy U- - Almond (+?2E Pat4EON Саг/ ЧЛИассЫа Caff^Mocha / Wl Caffe Latte Make Your Own Lc (Caramel, Hazelnut or Vanil Cappuccino Chocolate Cappu Americano Brewed Coffee Blends & Single - ( (India Estates Blend, Kenya, Ethio Italian, Sumatra or Caffe Verona Pour Over French Press (Full) Signature Hot Cho Cold Brew Cold Brew Black (a Vanilla Sweet Crea Citrus Cold Brew Taxes Extra. Short - 237 ml / ALRIGHT.VAnd p/HAT KIN OF MILK~ WOULD

®pAr»eON •i: : ixcLugg! ШD & v r Iced I >resso ?2 acchiatl 1a / Wh Caffe Latte Make Your Own Le (Caramel, Hazelnut or Vani] Cappuccino Chocolate Cappud Americano Brewed Coffee | Blends & Single - (j (India Estates Blend, Kenya, Ethio Italian, Sumatra or Caffe Verona I Pour Over French Press (Fuji)! Espresso / Espressj Signature Hot Cho Cold Brew Cold Brew Black (a< Vanilla Sweet Crea Citrus Cold Brew Taxes Extra. Short - 237 ml /1 Mi ALRIGHT.VAnD WHAT KIN OF MILK'WOULD


Pat»e on G V IV SPAMTONF ICKS w Big Shot® Mocha/Whitr 1997 Nosta' Caramel/' arame ;o & \ pr Iced ;presso a 345 375 405 35 Car/ 'y^Aacch\a\ Caft^Mocha / Wh Caffé Latte Make Your Own Lc (Caramel, Hazelnut or Vanil Cappuccino Chocolate Cappuc Americano Brewed Coffee Blends & Single - ( (India Estates Blend, Kenya, Ethio Italian, Sumatra or Caffé Verona Pour Over French Press (Full) Espresso / Espress Signature Hot Cho ' < f 1 1 \
 SPAMTONr ICKS Big Shot® Mocha/Whit'' 1997 Nosta1 Caramel/' arame' i < 345 SPAMTONBUCKS *9 375 405 Choose your dairy/non-dairy - Regular milk - Nonfat milk - Soy - Almond ( + ^2_ PatHEOn mm LTSa O Ik \ Dr Iced presso Cai/arm^rtacchiat CafreMocha / Wh Caffe Latte Make Your Own Lc (Caramel, Hazelnut or Vanil Cappuccino Chocolate Cappuc Americano Brewed Coffee Blends & Single - ( (India Estates Blend, Kenya, Ethio Italian, Sumatra or Caffe Verona Pour Over French Press (Full) Espresso / Espress Signature Hot Cho Cold Brew Cold Brew Black (a Vanilla Sweet Cre Citrus Cold Brew Taxes Extra. Short -237 ml/ Alright, vand WHAT KINO OF MILK'woulq Wou li? Vj** c m \x Y>o ce % ON

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