Hah?! Then stop grabbing them, you horn— You put ^ them there? When? We have been together all this time And she looks quite tasty! Putting those Fruits there did the trick. I'm Flattered, dear, but I'm already taken, -/know? You're impossible to deal And stop doing that already!
Alright, now watch your super sexy wolF girlFriend and k learn/ > Okay. okay. Mahahah~ Hmph. J Girl- \ 1 \\ 1 wait, \ right 1 l now? I
IVow, she actually got her.. Wh- what the J? ~ I have never ~ seen a technique like th.. D-Diana!! Stop that right now!!! <
/ said this is all part oF being a good hunter, this way they do whatever you want! Don't talk with a breast in your mouth! Wha-!? You liar/ This ie just an excuse to do your horny stuFF you always do!! Dorft stop-I'll do anything
I am not a pervert like you. Do not think I would do something as shameFul ____ as that. But you want to learn how to hunt, right? No. you dorft. You love me and you know it!
Sooo- what do I do First? Well, you take your hand- AaaaaahhhhJ! See? She liked that/ Wow-s he really did-
There we go. See how tame she's now aFter your carress-ing? You're gonna love this one-
Don't what? You like this, dorft you? Mmm!! Come now. this is the good part- / \ \\\ If / \v \il \ 1 % ( w~ \ \Jr \l/ II V\ r V wait., j \\// V Doric 1 \l V/ KT/ \ \ - J
Ohhh.! Mmn.. 4waa. Ч-hold.. Ч-hold AaahhnnJ 4wo!donnnn
Mmm. Dorfe stop.. Dorfe worry, l worfe. Just lower your head here- Aaahh..
Yoi/re doing so good- Dorft stop, you got it.
Ye в.. Mmm.. Good А-ahn-/ So_ tight-
OhJ You're going all in now?
You did very, very good-
Mmm mmmnn ngh- hmm-but good_ hah-s ome-what- Ummc* l thought this was to teach me how to hunt-
the thing /s_ uhmm ' Dorft ^ tell me you did all to satisFy another one oF your weird kinks 3ii_uu^j rql