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^ 109 KOFFING ■Trainer Tips Koffing tend not to show their affection traditionally. While they can become attached to others, they'll rarely ever say as much outright. Those wishing to bond with a Koffing should keep this in mind. "You'd better get Ted out here before I blow us all to hell!" - Brigette Hartrup, a Koffing looking for a man that's definitely not her boyfriend. Threat Level: Medium _________________________'¿J Poison Gas Pokemusu The poison gas musu, Koffing, is the result of a fairly recent mutation. They used to be known by the name breething and were air spirits that would filter smog from cities and pro cess it into clean air. However, the e-xcess pollution has permanently altered them into their current form, Koffing. Which still processes smog but instead of turning it into air they transform it into a gas similar to methane which is very combustible. Koffing tend to live near industrial a-reas, as they have the largest output of the smog they consume. The musu likes to build floating spherical homes from discarded stone. Which they often decorate with drawings the Koffing claim "go hard". Typically, these drawings include skulls, bones and or angry faces. Most humans tend to stay away from Koffing as they propel around using a highly explosive fuel. Meaning even a small spark in their presence can lead to a massive detonation If a Koffing thinks they're in danger, they're more than willing to manually detonate their homes to blow an aggressor away. This tactic will almost always push the koffing harmlessly away from danger and leave said a-ggressor in no state to pursue.

I* 110 WEEZING 1 ■Trainer Tips The musu's two bodies correspond to two different per sonalities, while some believe they are mentally linked. We've found no evidence of this. If you wish to bond with a Weezing, you'll do well to keep this in mind. ''No.'' "No.'' - The Ide sisters, Diox and Chlor after being asked if they were the Himmsdale Himmadome sisters that live at the Himms-dale Himmadome. Generally, humans don't like to be a-round Weezing due to their uncleanli ness. Though their state of living is often exaggerated, since they actually consume most of the waste aroun< them and don't simply live near it. Weezing's gaseous state is far less reactive than Koffing's but when it does want to explode, its effects are far more devastating. As such, the musu is seldom bothered by others seeking a fight. Poison Gas Pokemusu The poison gas musu, Weezing, look similar to Koffing at a glance but possess greater strength and resilience on account of their larger gaseous bodies. They appear in areas that Koffing are known to inhabit but due to conflicting descriptions, we aren't certain of how they come about. As mentioned, Weezing live in industrial areas with plenty of waste to consume and build their homes from. Their gaseous bodies are denser and more stable than Koffing's, which makes them less likely to detonate without warning. Though less likely doesn't mean they're incapable of it, it's just not as frequent.

Ill ■Trainer Tips Bonding with a Rhyhorn will require protective equipment, as you won't be able to converse with them until they're tired from charging you repeatedly. ''After I dived out of her way, she crashed into that stone face. Then lied and said that's what she intended to do and continued to crash into it for the next twelve hours. Dumbest thing I've seen in my life.'' - Willow Green, a researcher Threat Level: High • The spike musu, Rhyhorn, is a gray quadrupedal musu with rocklike scales that end in sharp points. However, most people initially see them from the front. As the musu is known for charging headfirst toward those that catch their ire. They also have a short temper that causes most things to catch their ire. It's most common for Rhyhorn to live on plains, near cave systems. They sleep in the caves and spend the rest of their time outside. They seldom build settlements because they get too frustrated when constructing to ever complete their buildings. Human legend says that the almighty Arceus created Rhyhorn before any other musu because they needed something strong enough to carve the earth and angry enough to do so of their own volition. If this is true, they succeeded. While Rhyhorn are aggressive, they're also predictable. They often tie objects to themselves that clang loudly against their scales. Which will give most people enough warning to get out of the way of their charge. They have limited turning capabilities when sprinting, so they won't be able to change course until they're long past their target. RHYHORN Spike kJ O Pokemusu 189cm
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112 RHYDON Tj G ■Trainer Tips Bonding with a Rhydon requires keeping up with their strength and stamina. We recommend only the strongest attempt this. "What, because I'm covered in rocks you think I can't surf?! Who the hell do you think I am?! You want to live buried in the sand all your life? No way, I do the impossible and kick reason to the curb!" - Koko Yamina, shortly before surfing, somehow, —■* VS) The drill musu, Rhydon, changes from the quadrupedal Rhyhorn, into a bipedal form. With thicker rocklike scales and a more pronounced drill shaped horn on their foreheads. Their thicker scales make touch sensations very faint, even something as strong as a punch won't be noticeable to them. We don't know how the musu changes, because when asked, they'll reply with something to the effect of, "I became the woman I am today because of who I was yesterday and the day before that. Tumbling forward, dashing through every challenge that I face. That's the way a drill works!" We have no idea what that means. Human societies have little contact with Rhydon, only knowing tales of their great strength and indomitable fortitude. Both of which are undoubt-ably true, however they often assume that the other aspects of the musu are more noble than they are and u-pon meeting them, they're often surprised by their demeanor. Rhydon's scales make for an excellent defense against physical force and the muscle they pack behind it makes them formidable in their own right. While some musu that specialize in martial prowess are able to prove Rhydon's match, few would try. Drill

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