I deserve to have a Sex life! I need some personal time! I should be somewhere on the beach...with $u##%&*!!! WHAT??? There is no time to dream in this fucking office! Boss wants to see you.. ...with a handsome man who brings me a cocktail MINKO k 1/ \ A ' x —r X / \ / ti m \ / —/V \ m 1 > * y 1 ' y / i X. n ^ ■ [/ \v Ik. _._YV | i ■ _ fdl ÍV-N^ x ^x m ( 1 hate this job! ) 3^ ( 1 work like \ a horse! X * A- /1 F y ^—.—< ———
' Ok... What do you want from me? You're BOTH here What a coincidence! MINKO
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