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^ 155 CYNDAQUIL e m u s u 187cm l70cm The fire mouse musu, Cyndaquil, is characterized by the sizable fire spouts they have on their backs. Windy weather often distorts the four spouts and makes them appear as a single fire source but they are from four distinct spots on their backs. Cyndaquil have little to no control over them and they'll often activate in times of duress. Cyndaquil are rather high strung and prone to worry and panic. To alleviate this somewhat, they'll tend to build settlements at advantageous geographic locations, like at the peaks of hills and on the sides of mountains. Humans know little of Cyndaquil as they're timid around strangers. Some traveling merchants have earned the trust of Cyndaquil communities but it requires a great deal of effort to do so. The fearful nature of Cyndaquil leads many of them to collect and build their own forms of armor. However, this same nature prevents most from learning how to effectively use the armor or learn self defense. Their fire spouts would be an effective way for them to protect themselves but their lack of control over it makes it difficult to do as such. sTrainer Tips Typically only the more adventurous Cyndaquil will be open to spending time with ''outsiders'' as they call them. Research also shows that Cyndaquil spending more time in the world at large tends to have a positive effect on their disposition. "I can't control it!'' - Jun Haiiro, a Cyndaquil having difficulties with their fire spouts. Threat Level: Low ^

 156 QUILAVA The volcano musu, Quilava, are the result of Cyndaquil gaining control of their fire affinity. This process allows the musu to freely activate the fire spouts on their backs. The name "volcano" comes from the musu learning this mastery from seeing erupting volcanos. Researchers don't know how this knowledge helps the musu learn this ability but they all claim that "Volcanos are the key." Many Quilava use their newfound abilities to find work as traveling mercenaries. Their newfound bravery and eruption abilities make them well suited for this. When not in battle, Quilava rarely flare their flames. So most people recognize them more from their minimal armor than anything else. Said armor is typically backless so they can erupt their flames without damaging their clothing. This gives Quilava warriors a reputation for being reckless or indecent. Which isn't always the case. In addition to their ability to manipulate flames from their backs, Quilava are also impervious to fire. Both the fire from themselves and other sources. This makes them particularly effective when battling other fire musu or spell-casters that specialize in fire magic. Quilava are proud of their bodies and have no shame in showing them. They also appreciate compliments about their physique, though many will pretend its not a big deal to them. "Are you ok? Buster eruption!" - Signature technique of the legendary warrior Kusanagi, the burning Sol. Threat Level: Low ^

 TYPHLOSION sTrainer Tips Typhlosion regularly need to release the combustible energy from their bodies. If they don't it can fire off in inopportune ways. "Let it out!” - War cry of the Hisuian Typhlosion called "Red Sun". (Editors note: This is conflicted academically as the Typhlosion in question often had slurred speech. Many think her cry was closer to "Ready or" or "Radio" neither of which mean much of anything.) Threat Level: Medium ^ 175 cm Typhlosion, is the rank that only the strongest Quilava can achieve. They are the warriors of their clans who rise to the mightiest ranks possible, ceasing to be soldiers and becoming legends. They still possess the signature fire spouts on their backs. Though Ty-phlosion's are concentrated on the napes of their necks rather than their backs. This gives them less surface area to draw fire from though its intensity is far greater than any Quilava. Finding Typhlosion is no easy task. They're incredibly rare and they go out of their way to seek out and protect remote villages threatened by bandits nobody else will answer. Typhlosion's eccentric clothing make them curious sights to those not familiar with them but their near nudity is done for pragmatic reasons. As their heat gets so intense it can set most clothing alight rather easily. The heat and volcanic might of Typhlosion extend beyond the flames on their napes. Fluids from their body, including sweat can combust in the heat of the moment or at will. Some warriors will use this attribute of theirs to create remote explosions and others even coat their blades in sweat to cause explosions when they strike.
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