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https://joyreactor.cc/post/5773030 - 202 ( (1-201) )

https://joyreactor.cc/post/5798719 - 203

https://joyreactor.cc/post/5810449 - 204 205

https://joyreactor.cc/post/5814176 - 206

207 6LIGARSU176Travelers are advised to be cautious around mountain trails as Gligar make their lairs there. This musu is an ambush predator with a garish pink coloration. With such an unnatural hue, they're fairly easy to spot at a distance. However if one spots them too late they'll likely have

Gligar are not musu one would be advised to bond with, they have a pretty nasty nature and only really tolerate humans they can get a use out of, if you spot one turn the other way!

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207 6LIGAR ÜSU 176 Travelers are advised to be cautious around mountain trails as Gligar make their lairs there. This musu is an ambush predator with a garish pink coloration. With such an unnatural hue, they're fairly easy to spot at a distance. However if one spots them too late they'll likely have trouble outrunning the musu. The musu attacks humans on sight, primarily by flying onto the victim and stinging them with their tail. Stung victims are put into a weakened state, allowing Gligar to drag them away to their villages. Here they will be put to work in their mines. Said villages are typically only populated by slaves and other Gligar as Gligar tend not to get along with other musu and human society alike. Human society in general stays clear of Gligar as their temperament and proclivity toward slavery make them difficult to work with. Though there are underground connections to Gligar villages, which trade for their unethically sourced ore. Authorities are currently investigating these unscrupulous connections to put a stop to them. Gligar's agility and natural resistance to electric magicks make them tricky to challenge. Though they are vulnerable to ice spells. sTrainer Tips Its unknown if Gligar can understand compassion and kindness as each one we've encountered only express extreme self interest and anger. Because of this we don't recommend bonding with them. "Some rumors have circulated about Gligar having an atypical reproductive cycle where they lay eggs inside living hosts, with violent results. However, none of that is true. Their reproduction is relatively "normal" among musu." - Gunpei Sakamoto, researcher of Gligar habitats.. Threat Level: High eÿ

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