No price is too high to bang demon pussy. lx. Well... Dreams won't come true if you don't try.
Jl К /. • мМ
What if I told you there was something better than coffee? Would you be interested? It's a type of exercise that'll leave your body wanting more, it'll clear mind in on time Oh what is that? Just pretend you're being fooled and trust me. | >51 |sT f I m f 1 / Kv ^ yJ
\ иш Fi и / щит i... ¡. ^ ' 1 ШчЩш) L Г 1 i ffilYáu ■Yivjufl
I don't think you're really in charge. I think it really works. I thought you were bluffing, but I'm glad we did it. By the way, ^what are you going to do now?/ I'm going to find the rest of you A demon harem is my dream.
Hah...hah... I can't stand it. time for that. What?... Demon harem? You poor fool. -— They'll rip you to shreds!
Just do it with me! We can just finish quickly! You're so fucking cute.
I'll give you my special combo for being such a good girl.
3.Pound her mercilessly as she cries for more. 1. Spread and tease her until she's leaking like a faucet. 4. Whisper sweet nothings to her. You're the best demon ever. I love you. ¿hapthentol wdeus
Let's get all the demons together and have an orgy. Are you a human? A real human? When did they fall \. into that trap?...
North America? Wrong. The answer is the Mississippi River. Lake Superior is a large lake.
Devil harem!! What should we do now? What are 3U on about? Tangerines, strawberries, __ and... vodka? Malina?
Chess? Do you know how to play chess? Mind if 1 play with you?
...You've completely blocked all my openings. -A 7 \ Hmm... You're good. \ \ \®|
W-what're you doin', ^ ye perv? ¿5 \ \
You wanna stop?
Did you really have THAT much alcohol?
That's very kind of you. 1 just did what 1 could. Thank you so much.
Smells like someone's smoking ciggies. I'm sure Zdrada is nearby! Zdrada? Hmm... not good. Everyone's reaction is are weird?
Did you call me?
Long time no see, Zdrada! I have a feeling I'll regret this.
No, I don't mean to stop you from joining. I'm just not sure if I could handle you. % iy KJir .
I'll fuck you better if you promise to be a good girl. Go ahead and satisfy me.
Oh, don't tell me you're done already. I was just getting started-
F Л 1 F J \шу¥ |МЩ lv^ 4'- » / \ÿh?- \ l/l / V Х-У IB 8/ \¿- ж
Where should 1 go now? You could always entertain us by running into spikes or something. I can't believe you invited her. She's just gonna bitch on and on and on now.________ I know right? What were you even thinking? Lmaooo! Glad you invit Malina, though. Don't say that. You're both important to me.
Dodge!! Not bad.
Looking for demons.
The thesis of modern sin? Or is it demonology? In any case, we should join forces! If not that, then the heart of atonement? Will they stay as angels or become demons?
Aren't you being too hasty? Wait, I just need a moment to prepare mentally...
- ' \, 11 / / ¡Á / J Ч) L \) H _Q/\ j\\ К Ш
Won't you help me study this body farther?
I have to... I have to write it down.
It's so hot to have sex surrounded by untapped pussy. It's like they're eating me whit their eyes!
VJ ilÉj
It's huge! Awesome! Klr Wm v>
Justice's Puzzles are super complex. She's probably whippin up a doozy as we speak. Justice?
1 k_ У _Y\ ЩЩщ с 4 m Я1 d w i
Hahahaha! This is just her way of greeting hunky ol' men like you~! She prepared a lot, huh?,
One sec. I'll be right back.
You must be exhausted. •Yeah. 1 guess I ran more then I expected. ...If I rest here, I won't be able to fulfill my dream. \ r 4- - j VJ vr Fi
...Where am I? The sound of calm waves. The beach? Hawaii? Somehow, I feel so relaxed and happy.
Yeah, let’s go get him! It's quite normal to care for others outside of sex. Don't act like it's not. Pandemonica, where did all THAT come from? Poor guy... I hope he's not enslaved. Ugh... Where am 1?. fA(\. g
By the way, your baking skills are on another level. Thanks. Take a sip of this while you're at it. I'll get stronger!
Do you wanna fuck me?
.A half-dripping woman is way more delirious
f So how is it? Is my cunt as > vwet and juicy as the resy of me? Aren't you trying to seduce me too much. 0 v^7 / i / 7 1 f
1?/ ж 1МВШ
TWITCH ETX \\ ■VI] l?*7 V , f/*7 W /fm
CummingH! 1 у'Je i ш г/ lY\\ \ J V \ \ ■ \L_ jLj я \ \ X
I'll be responsible if I knock you up. I'm sure it'll be cuter if it looked like you.
Me too. Justice Huh? You called me by my name for the first time. rwJ . 1 Yj|;' mwi rjam Wîj
Did you take care of what I gave y I'm sure you'll find it useful. What are you two doing? ( Your tie's a little crooked. Thanks, Justice.
You guys are like a married couple! Fuck me for worrying about it. / A child born of a \ human and a demon! I'm so curious! Shall . we all test as well? j We thought you were a goner. On another note, I heard from Justice that Lucifer's room is close to here.
I've seen a lot of cartoons ^ about the "fallen angel Lucifer' Justice, what did you GIVE him?
ч ' I rvl ' ЯЩ ъ* Г» Ы Ц? ^ Î il i 1 Гг Щз1 i ^7/f i ^ Г^\ Jr 1 1 Л ^ ulr^s? 4 v4 -У^\ \ ' 1
I гм. i
I'll overcome anyone and anything that stands on my way!! Oh my gosh! What a psyho! Helltaker The skeleton guards will tear you limb from limb! WILL succeed. Is this the end...? Dose he think can break through these guard?
\ , ^ чГ) 1 \ . \ f ч X J JÂ
Shit. This creature never stops attacking! It* ^ ■ \ /'XNv ^\ l x - f
fer/ ж 1 Wi' M \ T7 f a V r ?
I knew you could do it. Were you not able to feel the pain because of the adrenaline rush?! __. Awesome!!! ) ("¡thought you were going to die. l\ ^
i Гу Я 1 W г\1 \ л\ ^ я Шс\ \У / и^Ш. / sMvc^. 1
I figured. Most humans would be immobilized after something like that. You fed a human one of our products? Are you crazy? "it was the least 1 could do\ for you after having such a, great fuck.^^'/'
Kehehe. Don't you think you were a little too predictable? Lucifer, how long have you been there? Why didn't you help us~? ' But really, how long have you been here for? Insult me and
Pledge your soul to me, . human! > And I shall make you my most treasured slave. What!! What did you just say? Y-YOUR QUEEN? HUH?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! W_W_WHAT?!?! Embarrassment 100+
Awww c'mon. I'll get you some coffee, we can play some chess, andd I'll even throw in some pancakes. Whaddyq say? What are you trying to accomplish? Do you think I'll cuccmb to your sweet talk? . Really? Is that it? You think that pancakes are enough to buy me over?
I heard about your dream form my sister. That harem of yours may prove to be . entertaining after all.
You may use any ingredient') ______as you see You're such a slut for breakfast foods. Aren't you just asking him to cook because you can't make'em yoursself y1
'**' ^ Cj lc"v4/ 1 TH. .' •■ iO»L~ Using all my knowledge 'm going to make it perfect!
Bon appétit! These are almost as good as the ones made in Heaven! This is buUshit/''*^ It’s like they’re melting my mouth„^^- One batch of pancakes commg right up!
I didn't think it was possible to taste something so sweet in hell. Nice job. T
Haha. What kind of reaction is that? . Lucifer, was that your first kiss? You... You could . have told me! Uh... No, it wasn't! I was just- There was s; 1 around yo yrup cr ur mou earn th. ПГ F à
You've been lonely, haven't you? I was taught to always help a woman if she's in distress
I... I didn't even want this from you.
This is the only door out of Hell.
To the mortal realm! Haha! This is the first time I've ever seen demons attempting ascension! > Wait, I haven't finished explaining anything yet!
Is he conscious? I'm not... dreaming?
Ж ЛИ ''■ MJ ' l'}J НКЮ л v га ь—1 .\ ХЩ.
I feel like i've died a million times and now I gotta do more? WfVjn ¿r JW vjHB Æ. MÊm ! l \ ^ÇXN\ (( 1 [S\ )jk L/ t
Enough idle chatter! Face me, fool! Too late! Go! iiVAX.^r^ai BLtfyÉ iU p$Wl
Forget it His fate is sealed! VT‘r^~~-^6r *^<r\ i
I'll face whatever ordeal with determination!! Wm i T /1 Nik^iJU
You really know how to play! What afun little toy you are!!
Did you really believe those were the last of my shackles? What do y<
'You must be cursed, Malinka!\ you just found a fellow nerd and v he's already done for. A I told you! He’s my man! Let him fucking go!
Wait... Justice,did you also feed . him a stimulant. IJ/ZM M 1
I'm not done just yet!
March and subdue the target ahead! March and subdue the target ahead!
Where did you go?!
What the fuck happened? I saved you. Recognize glory when you see it, human!
Thanks, Lucifer. Mmmmmhm. Sure. It's not like VI misssed you or anything .j Quit it wiht the flattery! I regret not visiting you sooner. Your body puts models to shame. / x \ 1 /N . iv / 7^ / \ \ / * \ \ 1 V \ 1 I J \ A i \ j \
I didn't want to do this, but your fate has been sealed. Nothing will prevent your damnation from coming true. Our fates are intertwined. S.I will forever be your torturer. Well,"forever" doesn't have to begin today. Smooth, trespasser. Smooth.
Come on, come with us. Of course I am.
Well, we've already veered off the traditional __values of Hell. I might as well follow. ____. 'You took me to Judgment. That's really a mess, isn't it?
MEMORY All About the Demon Harem and Beyond
I got a knife stuck in my shoulder for making the wrong coffee this morning. Well, if I'm going to suffer, theleast I can do is have fun- Huh. why's the house dark? Hello? Anybody home?
Switch! 1 xx 1^7 V" \ vJO r /3 f 'SstfI / -/ yf\ / VJ xi-
Mmmü! -7
Mmm. j J'f j / ''ч WW ■kV. me j N/
W7Ç\ bvy Ш ^ Рт, I ^Я/rf ЯВ мж
You can complain later. Eat up. Everyone is finally at the table today. a •*
Wow, Lucifer.. Tou really outdid yourself today... Yeah..Exactly. I think I'd rather just have But I worked hard on this.
I went out of my way to make this for all of you! Thank goodness someone in this house is capable. Done!
I've never gone on a vacation before. We should get going too. shall we?
There are so many people. This kind of cosplay- Let's get this party started! Hey! Stay in line. Wk V W ^ Jy
9mmmm Hahaha! I'm happy I could spend time with you. .For the rest of my life. l tv G(^L, y Sr TO B\v
Aw shucks, you got me blushing Let's make pancakes later. I ate too many sweets today. Love you, Lucifer.
God. you're fuckable. But you didn't think we were stopping here, ____ did you? You're so in mte when you cry pleasure. J
Oooohü! I'm not leaving hehe unyil your pussy is aching.
7 - ШЖ4V î ШЦш щш i \ \/
I love you.
Wakey wakey eggs'n bakey-
MEMORY All About the Demon Harem and Beyond
A cool breeze and a splash of warm rays.
The sound of calm waves
A distant song of children's laughter that can be heard from afar. Helltaker? Helltaker.
One step at a time.
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