the su\ect, lohn Shepard responds v/e\\ to I treatment. M0SSACE*O135 tG?*>'WT? CNCHYPTION A0> ILLUSIVE MANlO.r.E ) Sir, in light of recent events, i'm about ti give my report of results. The control serum adm\n\ste red \n food and water has begun to \ose elective. We have abandoned the Citadel, the asari Samara appa rently has personal issues that must be resolved immedia-diately. The success of this mission has made I Samara an I uncortdttio I r\a\ part of \ the group. Samara!!! what ARS YOU...?" _ UP IATS WOR-KIS&, MlRANPA? LLmLlJ 0R!N WORKS
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