Babette (TES)

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" Hf?e you Ape, ^PPA^ONSOPN.' x've FINI5H6P YOUP leipe-pesisTANce POTION, a**WHAT DO yOUneed aFIPE-PESITANCE . POTION FOP, W though? ATHANKS,6A66TTeI'VE OT A HOT DATE. J\r-Jir^QAX^2) J \ " \\ **f)l> ) ^BKv ' / fVI ^ J 1 ) \f/Ph, what?] vy J ptv aAJ i) R<J tUPy ' TT M/


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Babetteof the Dark BrotherhoodRace: Breton Vampire Class: Hssassin/Hlchemist Faction: The Dark BrotherhoodStrength: Lpwer tlian average for a vampire, but as strong as most human men.Dexterity: Extremely high, especially when starved of blood.Constitution: Average for a vampire. Able to heal

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