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125 ELECTABUZZ Ф Electric Pokemusu The electric musu, Electabuzz, can be easily identified by their yellow skin and the forking horns atop their heads. Said horns are used by them to catch electricity from the skies and also communicate with other electric musu nearby. Electabuzz feed on electricity and will live anywhere they can find a supply of it. This includes mountains that bring Electabuzz closer to storm clouds and Pikachu towers that synthesize their own electricity. They get rather aggressive when they're looking for electricity to eat and will fight any that stand in their way of it, whether they're other Electabuzz or anyone else. Humans that dwell in cities often view Electabuzz as a nuisance, on account of them constantly stealing power from their Pikachu towers. Though Electabuzz don't have any ill will toward humans and are rather cordial when encountered in a casual setting. In addition to their mastery over electricity, Electabuzz possess an innate strength as well. Though this strength is proportional to how much electricity they've recently eaten. Often, they rely on this strength for defense and will have minimal battle strategy or technique. ■Trainer Tips As odd as it sounds, Electabuzz enjoy being electrocuted, with many stating it ''Drives their motors". As such it makes a solid starting move for bonding attempts. "I'm going to wind my arms up like this and when I spin them out and hit you, you're going to be sorry!" - Casey, an Electabuzz telling another Electabuzz how she plans to strike her. The attack didn't connect. Threat Level: Medium №' T&j

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