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^ 143 SNORLAX C The sleeping musu, Snorlax, is referred to as such because of their propensity to sleep for long periods of time. The exact amount of sleep they need is unknown, though witnesses claim they can sleep for days at a time. The musu also has little care for where it sleeps and will often take naps in inopportune places such as roads, streets, docks and almost anywhere else they can lay down. Snorlax tend to live in mountainous regions and forests, though they've been known to wander elsewhere in search of food. They have no concept of money and other societal norms and will take food freely and sleep where they like. Many humans consider Snorlax to be a nuisance on account of their constant eating and sleeping. Though they've also gained a devoted fanbase that find their kind demeanor and disposition to be admirable. These groups will form communes centered around sleeping Snorlax and lavish them with feasts when they awaken. There's a saying in the northern reaches of Kanto, ''Let sleeping Snorlax lie". This is because Snorlax possess great power in themselves that they can unleash in moments of great anger. Most typically this is when someone wakes them up. Sleeping Pokemusu "WARNING: No flute playing in the mountains. Snorlax sleeping area. Offenders may be hyper beamed at any time." - Snorlax warning sign near the Rock Tunnels. Threat Level: Medium tot Trainer Tips Snorlax will bond freely with many people, especially if they cook great food. Just be careful not to wake them accidentally.
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