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U 144 ARTICUNO ®e In the throat of the roaring blizzards of Kanto, one can hear the sobbing of a young woman. This is Articuno, the mistress of the shifting snow. An ancient and powerful musu clad in azure feathers. Her very existence radiates cold around her, causing her to start hail and snowstorms wherever she takes flight. Legends say she wasn't always this way. She started out as an average musu but fell in love with one who'd been cursed with a never-ending fever that could only be quenched with an equally powerful cold. Articuno sought out power over ice to save them and succeeded. She administered the cure to her love and restored him. Only for her icy magic to be too great and freeze her love before shattering them. Articuno was heartbroken by this and sought to join her love in the afterlife, only to find that she became too powerful to be slain. She would freeze water too quickly to drown in and no mortal man or musu could get close enough to wound her, let alone kill her. Now trapped in a frozen torment, Articuno wanders aimlessly. Stopping when she finds others doomed to perish in the snow. There she weeps, lamenting that the snow took them instead of her. Freese Pokemusu ■Trainer Tips Some stories claim that Articuno fell in love with a brilliant man of medicine named Victor, others claim it was a beautiful dancer named Nora. Without hearing from Articuno herself, it's impossible to know if either of these claims are true. ''As full of despair as you are now. I'd still trade my endless frozen years for your worst day." - Articuno Threat Level: Medium t, sm

145 ZAPDOS Electric Pokemusu 189cm "Get this, I'm the $#@!ing Master of Currents Zapdos. Aint nobody $#@! with me. When those %"&% see me feeling the sunshine they say "Oh you" and they're $#@!ing right! I'm the fastest, toughest and smartest musu this side of Mt. Silver. Also, I look damn good in black and yellow." "I go where I want, I take what I want and I do what I want. Get it turtle? The world's my oyster and you're just floating in $#@!ing the skiff. You all go to church to worship some +?<-goat stuck in a fence, me? I am the beast I worship and this temple is i-mmaculate as %/'&." "You $#@!ing humies are always so noisy too. "waaaaaah my house got blown up" %"&* dude, move you're $#@!ing house! I'm flying here! You're just like that $#@!mg +?<- Moltres that's up my %% like )(@!. Dumb +?<- is salty about getting hot flashes all the time and has to make it my problem." "She can't even beat me legit you know. Thunder is like super fire and I get that %"&* for free from the clouds. I don't need no namby incantation rune tauros%A&*. I'm like a hurricane on wheels but like sky wheels. You got all that? I talk fast cause I don't got time for slow $#@!%. Savvy? Now we $#@!ing or what?” ■Trainer Tips DISCLAIMER: The preceding entry was "performed" by Zapdos and required to be included into the official dex for her to allow any mention of herself. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect upon the researchers or other staff that contributed to the musudex. Viewer discretion is advised. - Council of Pokemusu Research Threat Level: Medium t,

4 146 MOLTRES Flame Pokemusu "What do you call her? The Valorous Flame? She arrived millennia ago seeking power, power to stop her sisters who lost themselves in indulgence and sorrow. I told her she had no such power in her. Her pride made this impossible to accept so she went out to learn the hard way. She did find a solution but it wasn't power that she needed. If only more musu of her caliber could learn that." - Uxie, Lady of Wisdom "Never met a brighter soul in my life before I walked with Moltres, didn't matter how deep a hole someone lands themselves in. She'd insist on dragging them out no matter what." -Lady Tepplelin, Rhydon, companion of Moltres "While most of her responsibilities arc ceremonial now, I don't now where we'd be without Moltres. You know what they say, it's not Spring until Moltres' flames melt the lingering snow." - Duke Issac Roth "Don't tell anyone I said this but her power isn't from strength. Like physically I mean. Where she shines its how she talks you know. Her words and her attitude, she doesn't command people. When she says something you want to believe her. At least, I did and the people that I walked with did too. - Jane Gail, Dewgong, Companion of Moltres iTrainer Tips "She's a hero!" - Most children when asked about Moltres in some form or another. "In brightest day and blackest night, No corruption shall rule without a fight. Let those who shirk responsi bilities right, Beware the glow of Moltres the Bright!" -Moltres, the Valorous Flame. | Threat Level: Low t ■

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