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^ 163 HOOTHOOT Threat Level: Low ^ cm "For your fortune we have the route upright, a sign of a journey before you, followed by the wings upright, a sig-n of great haste. Then we finish with the reversed heart of darkness.... oh my that is unfortunate for you.” - A fortune one researcher received from Midori, a Hoothoot fortune teller. The researcher's notes were found days after their disappearance. No body was ever discovered. JSU The owl musu, Hoothoot, are renowned across the Johto provinces for their skill in telling time. A strange sounding skill for sure but all Hoothoot have an innate sense for knowing the exact time without tools or other aides. At first glance many assume the musu has a single leg but they do have two. They just follow an odd trend of standing on one most of the time. Because of their nocturnal tendencies, many Hoothoot will live in remote a-reas to avoid disturbances during the day. They also prefer to live somewhere with a clear view of the night sky as many Hoothoot enjoy astrology, astronomy and the general serenity of stargazing. Using their sense of time, Hoothoot can construct highly accurate clocks that are used throughout Johto. These clocks are hand made, or more accurately psychically made, as the musu lacks fingers. Hoothoot gain their innate sense of time from a mystic connection to the stars and other celestial bodies. This however doesn't translate well to combat abilities. While their limited psychic talents can be used for minor telekinesis, it can't be used to launch potent psychic attacks. Because of this, most Hoothoot avoid fighting. sTrainer Tips

167C cm IJ s u The owl musu, Noctowl, are a rare find in the Johto region. They only prowl about at night and hardly make a sound when they do so. They also socialize little, making them difficult to track down without connections. With their talents for subterfuge and swiftness, Noctowl make for excellent scouts, spies and assassins. Few can see farther than them in the dark and fewer can spot them when they don’t wish to be seen. What they can’t see with their eyes, they can pry open from other’s minds with their psychic abilities. Noble families bend over backwards to recruit Noctowl talent. This would put Noctowl in competition with one another, however there is an “accord” they hold together to prevent them from coming into conflict with each other. This accord states that Noctowl cannot be asked to target their sisters or to protect targets or objectives that other Noctowl would seek out. Those being targeted by Noctowl are often killed before they are aware of this. In the rare chance a Noctowl is caught, they’ll prioritize slipping into the shadows for another surprise attack. As this is where they excel. sTrainer Tips Noctowl have eccentric and differing interests and are all accustomed to solitude. sTrainer Tips Noctowl have eccentric and differing interests and are all accustomed to solitude. "Lord of Seas and Skies. Grant that my wings be steady, my mind be sharp, and my winds swift. And should the worst come to pass, grant me forgiveness.” - A prayer for Noctowl operatives Threat Level: Medium 4^

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