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 172 PICHU "You never asked.” - Professor Otani, (leading researcher and Pikachu on the Musu dex project) when asked why she never brought up the e-xistence of Pichu until recently. Threat Level: Low ^ sTrainer Tips When Pichu release electricity they often harm themselves in the process as their physiology lacks the protective tissues that insulate other electric musu from their own attacks. 153C cm The smaller mouse musu, known as Pichu are actually the original form of Pikachu. With Pikachu being the result of Pichu going through an Ardent Shift Their primary difference is in their lack of control over electrical energies. While they can create and somewhat guide electrical magic, they're far more prone to releasing it in uncontrolled bursts. For a Pichu to become a Pikachu, they must gain an intense desire to master their electrical abilities. This can be done with many different emotions, though the most common is simple frustration. Humans tend to stay clear of Pichu, as their sudden propensity to release e-lectricity makes them incredibly dangerous to be near. Though this isn't by choice as most Pichu are rather friendly and will help out those in need when they have the chance too. With their small frames and wild magical tendencies, Pichu have few means to defend themselves. Some would be aggressors may be dissuaded to bother them on account of their electrical potential, but more prepared brigands will bring enough protective material to deal with their ineffective attacks.

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