vore :: Shadowfaps :: xxx-files

vore Shadowfaps ...xxx-files 

Hey kid! Ya wanna go on a v vacation n ny stonach?G-ee, nlss! That sounds swellljr That's right, kids. Being eaten alive nfghf SOUND (ike a good tine", but what nost people DON'T know is that being digested actually kills you!Vo ah! Slow down there, Sally. Did you know that vore is

V 1 '(1< * P-V- - 1  - 11^  ^3 ^ ,J., ,} A* a i ^011  5^ J .P*, " tdea7-SV Kff'-'ri-zfy*\\*. jj ''|',"''5.ou 3h-,,Hi W*r -X^T'K5> f; 3w3/fIBL*fA4*Ih /llc ^ fo (Vo + h*^r^j ^?5'vei ood5[7CtSioPS*^'LCl! V"re * <Ppp>T^iprjy^ -  r.- ,vore,xxx-files,Shadowfaps

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nono h-)squ/rnogAWSOP,vore,xxx-files,Shadowfaps


HehehaYour sister loas supposed to do chores tonight, but now YOU have to do then!But Ma, the big dance is tonight!\Jell, you should have thought that BLFORi you ate her.Aww, shucks!Honestly, I don't see ujhat you kids get out of this whole "vore" thing!\Jhat, seriously?MS. DOU6-LAS/ ALLISON ATL

I can't hove you eating each other in class. It s distractingExcuse ne.lYes, Ms. DouglasLuckily, this isn't class, it s the school-board-nand at ed video that's /Ore^nZ/nf ne fron teaching class.[Ssorry, Allison.So, just this once, you get a hall pass to the bathroon instead of detention.I think


Hey kid! Ya wanna go on a v vacation ¡n ny stonach? G-ee, nlss! That sounds swelllj r That's right, kids. Being eaten alive nfghf SOUND (ike a “good tine", but what nost people DON'T know is that being digested actually kills you! Vo ah! Slow down there, Sally. Did you know that vore is nurder? VHAAAAr? And Sally, your life is worth MORE than a bowel novenent Psh, whatever, lady. in no nurdererl
V 1 ' (1<Л У я* P-V- -■ 1оГ„ „л и- 11 ^ т ^3«“ ^ ,J., ,г}« A*™ a ’i ^ 01 1 к 5^¿ J .»P* , " „tdea7- SVÎ Kf f'-'ri-zfy *\\‘*. j«j ''•|',лнгг"''5 .ou 3£“h- ,, Hi W * ár -X ^ûT'K5 °> «f; 3w»3 / f»‘ IBL *f A4 * Ih /llc ^ fo (Vo + h*™ ^ r ^Ÿj£ Ь^с?Ь5' ve i ood 5 [7 ¿¿CtSioPS*^ 'LCl! V"re * <Ppp>T^iprjy ^ - П r. - «
,000000 O0O00 0 Oö0OO00°°C,Oo00o 7 Я [) CPr.nuS Ur*)... L Qi ! Ye Te s is ch *\ i ce ( с л ç/^1 С7 77 Ic^poo j *> ? 3 K? ou h и лд ' H ° ^ ser.oov fc«-* ^ 1 «" Ury-- ;Vi b°üf eüU‘ 1 SJ> £ a Г* ^ ?Wfl ^ < s zrîouS О г ^°î зге 2

hffffff haaacihhhhh

nono h-) squ/rníog AWSOP
Heheha Your sister loas supposed to do chores tonight, but now YOU have to do then! But Ma, the big dance is tonight! \Jell, you should have thought that BLFORi you ate her. Aww, shucks! Honestly, I don't see ujhat you kids get out of this whole "vore" thing! \Jhat, seriously? MS. DOU6-LAS/ ALLISON ATL HAYLtY/ Mlison, and ujhat s left of Hayley, up front, please. J
I can't hove you eating each other in class. It s distracting Excuse ne.l Yes, Ms. Douglas Luckily, this isn't class, it s the school-board-nand at ed video that's /Ore^nZ/nf ne fron teaching class. [Ssorry, Allison. So, just this once, you get a hall pass to the bathroon instead of detention. I think this is the sane video they shoioed ne tohen I was in school OH NO, I REGRET VORE NOV/ Didn't work then, either^J Don't nention it, kiddo. Just be back after /unch. This video L is obviously wasted on you. > Vhaf an l gonna do for a couple hours in the bathroon? Hayley's not ready to cone out yet. r because I n digesting her ny friend

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tofrs for getting ny ticketJVJell,1 can't malt to not match this novie mith yo<^Mnn. This novie s beenout a fern meeks. I bet the theater's going to L be nice and enpty.^Jf course,iFs not like Frf going to let you match the i movie all the , \may through,/ s^anymay./Heehee.No

Shadowfaps vore xxx-files

tofrs for getting ny ticketJVJell,1 can't malt to not match this novie mith yo<^Mnn. This novie s beenout a fern meeks. I bet the theater's going to L be nice and enpty.^Jf course,iFs not like Frf going to let you match the i movie all the , \may through,/ s^anymay./Heehee.No
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