tofrs for getting ny ticketJ VJell,1 can't malt to not match this novie mith yo<^ Mnn. This novie s been out a fern meeks. I bet the theater's going to L be nice and enpty.^J f course, iFs not like Frf going to let you match the i movie all the , \may through,/ s^anymay./ Heehee. No thanks [mhatever. fOPCORN?J
[Yo иге beautiful, уоиКлоил fStop гt, beautiful. i (ove you, foo. Л i 2 !<j Í / Щ ç {y \ / \, \ \ \y// Я' s rAhnrw f asfe ne..^ inn..] You taste so good..' Ve il have to be quiet. W .Mnnof4 ' ~
Mo/" mhen In sealed in the mails of your stonoch, naKing you so full... VUl LLS° siou/? The nore you cun aftenuards, the faster you« digest ne.^ Feet first; like this. I mant to be able to see nyself bulging out of your stonach. You're naking ne so hot, I doubt you'll last to the ^ end of the novte. a You're gonna get us caaaaught better sioallouj ne quick, then, a ,thought. Do if. In recic/y. Which way do you mant to go domn?
iK/c\ i vowei voy leu»s Duck 2 Ritbord Gere A г onny \Hseou Jp Dreans bwooh ^жШ шШж leod 'гопу Consultont Marts Mor'ssen^JH* >eve< i beeves \ Yofessor ргсЧЬ<зо Christopher Waiter^ Wooing on Sunshine Kotrino <S The Waves ilQhtina/hud'AHelien Keller No u/ay. NO VAY. No freaking way did you eat her //? /4* 's^/'r<i>a£/nf М<*а/<?г/ У Hey Tess. Нои/ did you ttuol ^^tovebirds like- BVflif, cohere s Vad уЫсаье ne7^ ladles. I need to nake a i Lpif sfop. J
I/ 0аА. \ should try that with you sonetine. ¿>AS7/Y. You're gonna nzed some neu) clothes. This calls for a SHOPPING SPREE/ I suppose this means you're sfngie nou/^J ' \iait, try ¿'¿a/ ujith me somef ime?