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Trainer TipsParas become upset when their friends become damaged or lose pieces of themselves but they always regenerate eventually. During this the mushroom will soothe the Paras by saying "We'll always be with you.The mushrooms are very nutritious and many "eccentric" human chefs will seek out

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■Trainer Tips Paras become upset when their friends become damaged or lose pieces of themselves but they always regenerate eventually. During this the mushroom will soothe the Paras by saying "We'll always be with you.” The mushrooms are very nutritious and many "eccentric" human chefs will seek out the delicacy for unusual recipes. Many cities outlaw these dishes due to the cruel nature of Paras hunting." Threat Level: Low • 046 It's common to confuse Paras for three separate Musu on account of the two mushrooms they carry on their back. From birth, their mother will spread the spores from their mushrooms to the back of their offspring. The mushrooms don't exist without the host and vice versa. As such, we treat them as one entity. Paras form long lasting friendships with these mushrooms. So strong that the Paras won't make decisions unless their fungi friends approve it. Because of this they typically only live in damp, dark locations like caves or swamps. As that's the climate the mushrooms prefer. It's rare for Paras to interact with people that aren't their mushrooms. Upon investigation why, scholars fou nd the trios have wildly different relationships from Paras to Paras. Some act like three individuals but others are more similar to a hive mind in their perspective of the world. In any case the three are always good friends. Paras would rather run than fight, as it's stubby claws have difficulty harming aggressors and the mushrooms have no natural defenses themselves. If a Paras cannot run away easily it'll often try to burrow underground and make an escape that way. Mushroom Pokernusu

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