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m 211 QWILFISHi58cmcm s uJohto scholars refer to Qwilfish as the balloon musu, as they discovered it before they knew about Jigglypuff. Unlike other musu name disagreements, the Johto scholars came to an agreement that Qwilfish can be changed to the "spike balloon" musu. Though they seemed to have

Qwilfish dont often seek people out, but bonding with one is pretty hard anyway, you have to be careful with their spikes and be a good swimmer! God knows they are not great at it themselves though....

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m 211 QWILFISH i58cm cm Ü s u Johto scholars refer to Qwilfish as the balloon musu, as they discovered it before they knew about Jigglypuff. Unlike other musu name disagreements, the Johto scholars came to an agreement that Qwilfish can be changed to the "spike balloon" musu. Though they seemed to have forgotten to actually carry out this change since making this declaration. Thus it remains as it was. Qwilfish are known for their spiky protrusions and ability to inhale water to expand their bodies. Many people are under the assumption that Qwilfish start small and inhale to become a round shape but in actuality the musu starts as a round shape and simply gets bigger from there. Humans don't see Qwilfish often as the musu tend to live in isolated under4 water villages near rocky shores. They also don't seek them out often as QwiH fish can quite easily stick people with their spikes on accident and their poison makes this especially unpleasant. Not only can Qwilfish's spikes be used to attack those that get too close to them, they also can fire them as projectiles if they inflate themselves to their maximum capacity. However, it takes a long time for the musu to regain their spikes. Meaning they're practically defenseless after attempting this. sTrainer Tips Despite living in water all their life, Qwilfish's round body shape and small flippers make them notoriously poor swimmers. Even when compared to musu that dwell on land. "Looking into ancient texts reveals some unusual descriptions of Qwilfish, describing them as having larger spikes and being far more aggressive. Some people think these are just mistaken accounts but I think they may be describing a different musu altogether..." Threat Level: Medium ^rofessorMidori

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