Behold Mortal/ | t your pointless ritual r has suMMoned AnoMia,. r; the caueeleee genie! I L I aM here to grant you three... Alright you horny t^oron, lets hear those wishes I know you've got a Pew things in Mind already —> /| ■ 1 J L / * / flj^L
be ripped! And unrivaled sexual power and technique!
Wow, that Most have been a wish^Making record f Aww, that counts as three? Praid so . No compound wishes I Should havel wished Pop soMeone bo Pudk... J| // I don't suppose you wanna Paha, no/ Er, well it's against the rules... fBuuut.. that last wish 1 is going to take soMe work. [ You can't becoMe an expert L with such liMited experience {\ So I've arranged a partner Por you A
There she is now Now there's just the Matter oP customization J ■ thump I think I Porgot soMething
What the hell is going on in here/? I thought you ^ could handle this Well obviously not you know how it goes/ That's why you need to use your'powers Oh stop whining Whew/ Ok., now whafc?
oh.. i We can change her into anything, so just.. describe your ideal Well she should have a good body. Voluptuous. Thick thighs. Big boobs Um... What else is there? Her Pace? Oh right, she should have a cute Pace, long dark hair I suppose, Pull lips With the skills to Match, hмм hM? L OP course Uh.. we re hot doing anything iMMoral here are we? Oh, pshaw. She's like that at Pirst but she always ends up enjoying herselP J Especially iPwe маке her enjoy herselP And маке her an 11 obedient little slut? yes. But not like a zoMbie She should want it. ^
..she should cum like a Preight brain! hMM hMMhM and have a nearly B unquenchable thirst Per cock/ I Bahaha/<Pk,^ that's enough/ Pid you gefc all that in fcfiere? You better have it right this timi I won't be participating but I'll need to be there in case soMething goes wrong ;=r i and to dispense sage advice 7 Trust ms ifc's^ nothing I haven't seen bePore
Why is 6he tied up like that? woah nice Oh that's just her Petish, probably. She'll be expecting a little domination Prom you, so don't disappoint her
That's it, Just relax ^ and trust your desires Ooh, those are hide aren't they? Now let's get a little 'f More oP what you want
Whew., hey there etranger, ready to let ме loose? ah ah, маке her earn it. and do what I еомее naturally ш _r \ V ( V \\ Л V s' - A У ]
Oh just look at her, trying so hard... y.yeah, daMn she's really into it You Made excellent choices 1 Give her a little More wiggle rooM and she Might surprise you 1 Alright, it seeMS like you know how to behave yourselp woah/
Listen to that, she's^ practically taunting you No More slacking oPP, | tiMe to show her your unparalleled power^
That looked like Pun. Did you learn anything? MMh. _ K ■ / / J Well get dressed, we're taking a little Pield trip to Purther your education not Par. \ V x \ / /
and don't Porget to bring this Hey, if 6 your weird Petish not Mine I'm tapped out reMeMber? M Uh.. what Just give it a chance and you Might like it! you'll never achieve ^ 'unparalleled technique' unless you expand your horizons... ^
тая Von't look at it, fchafc'll juet маке it веем wonee
MUhnnh The woret part is overmi^^ there chaMp CAALA. Except Pop this part^ Bofc it's quick 1 \ 1 • ^bbsjB I
Thanks MpMhMMM That was tough wasn't it* Setting SMaller is worse than getting bigger Por soMe reason You're still kind op tall though, J I thought., well nevemind Let's just hurry through the portal cause this guy is gonna Puck you like.. several tiMes
Don't be diPPicult, you knew this was goingfc^appen^ wsgnahpn/L lunwna guhPkd/ oop, better , get hiM quick you think partners coMe ProM 1 nowhere? It's your turn now so bravo
yes, we've traveled back in tiMe,' try not to маке a big deal out op it Shoot, I was supposed to wrap you up Pirst / That, portai used up Most op му power/ Уои'11 just have to lie down and pretend to be surprised, ok?
Pon't go out there! 1 you'll cause a paradox and destroy the universe/ ^ probably Look, everything will happen naturally^ What the hell is going on in here? What do you think is going on? I'm wrestling this idiot while you're out there blabbering/^M
I thought you could handle this part
I jueb ueed мовь op му power on the portal j Thafc'e why you need bo иве your powers on fche ropes and "eusboMizabion" part bob don't Ыаме ме iP I run out later
you're a bit tall, aren't you? And what are you wearing? 4he was supposed to get you started... how aM I supposed to know whafc you were like bePore
oh oh/ \ MHWhMMPHH// It sounds like I'm going to . have to tinker with that pretty j little head op you'll like it, just relax ix*0 and try not to think op anything weird while I'm soraMbling your brain except all the^ weird things you wished Por m
Long hair 3rd the
Hey, wake up MÇJMhM/ It's easy, juet epeak your deepest desires, Hmm Hmm hey there., etranger ready to let Me loose?
uh... мауЬе л ip you're a good girl \ Oh, haha oh му- , v / i \ / -god is that what I sound like? \ Ugh, I know, hearing your own voice ie intolerable isn't it? I have to argue with MyselP alM the fciMe. Luckily you two won't be talking Much Right to business M nnh ri What the Puck I can't- OP course you can and you know you will \ \ \ \ There's only one way out op this
Zee, you're doing it. Now Move a little Then use your tongue More
Alright, it eee№ like you know how to ^ behave youreelpA you've earned a bit o P PreedoM, fciMe fco ehowoPP Hey, are you even listening to Me?
om. WE'RE PONE HERE youv'e taken this way too Par. OP course it was/ How can you just watch while soMething like that I coold have euPPoeated Hey, I can't interPere I have to stay invisible you know, so the tiMeline doesn't get screwed up and destroy the universe Besides, it seeMed like you were kinda into it... (3uaH// I was REALLY into it! \— That was the worst part/ you've turned Me into soMe kind oP
And you're not a Midget, you're barely shorter than I aM V you've gob an aMazing body and it'd be a shaMe not to experience>_ everything ifc has to oPPer A1 \ Especially aPber all the hard work you just pub in v Um.. I guess I did do bhe gross part already... u L/1 v % \ / V ) 1 X That's right/ And now it's tiMe to reap the rewards you deserve \ |V ) X / y..yeah I guess. A V v*.\ 4 t \ you can'b let hiM geb away with just enjoying bhe easy part, he needs to do his job boo , " \ 1 \ b.bhab's right/ Now go in bhere and bake charge, he's nob done unbil you're coMplebely satisiPied/ <£ — \ yeah/ f //
Hah, well that was easy Por you wasn't it cause им.. want strong aren't you?
Haahh c. coreful Jueb relax, you ¿an handle ifc i I
o/Mttjgod /Yn gonna
Hey, wake up Weh, Гм jueb getting started 1 T/jo^s for sure
Ugh, this is really uncoMportable I'm not sure what I saw in this It's More Por show, 4 enjoy your Pront row seat ^ I don't wanna look at this... Hmm hmm, op course you do. And you can suck a little ip you want That's right, tiMe t get another taste Better open
I don't know about this... This is gonna be a probleM My towels are too short r Vid you learn anything else itoday?^^g
A heM. 1 I Shouldn't grab boobs so hard arid., hmm.. I should probably shower More Enough Por what? To get My wish back/ I wished to have a huge cock and be all buPP, reMeMber? And you were you said I would only be like THIS Por a little while/ nd you will bej f r I Mean.^^^BW How long do Mortals live on this plane d anyway? And trust Me, you were SMart to avoid unPortunate language like "Porever" or "Por the rest oP My liPe" in your wishes, those never turn out well, i. |
Гм not the one who just so eked and Pushed MyselP What a weird thing to wieh Рог. 0P course you did, I just burned it around on you The way any good genie would. The classic karMic revereal, with a executed Ыме loop on top/ PerPect?/ It wasn't even the ваме both tiMes/ Things do seeM diPPerenb on the receiving end, don't they? That's part oP your ironic lesson ^ Гм gonna score so Ш мапу points Por this one
Oh yeah? Then why are My clothes diPPerenb? The girl I Pucked had ehorfc sleeves, fchie is.. er.. was a tank fcop. I'm pretty sure fche panties are diPPerenfc too Well that.. ^ doesn't matter probably.. I don't even look fche saMe/ I said long *dark* hair, whafc do you call fchie? ^ And whafc'5 wifch fche ball gag, hMM? The ofcher you just put it on the ^ ofcher Me and took it back in fciMe. So is it just looping around Porever? Where did ifc even coMeProM? ^ oh Jeez
W.what is that? a paradox?/ Is the universe going to be destroyed?/ I ooooOoh WORSE/ I'm gonna get in trouble Por freezing up the tiwe streaM again/ TiMe Por you to get an "Ironie Lesson" Unless \ /
IJ J Ungh/ Oust.. put it on! I'm not taking the blaMe Pop your screw up! * ( ( ( /'re the one who was too stupid to Pigure out what was happening m 1 / h / The whole thing is your Pault/ ow ow you're stabbing Me with soMething/ /1 J ow; \ No hair pulling/ i ^ then no ei^e poking argh Pine just stop D 1 I ) 4\ ■I \ \ ( / V \ yf What are there iClips in this thing? ow Whatever, this is stu^^j you think your boss is going to grab Me instead op you just because I have your silly hat tangled in My hair?
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