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One week laterI'll take it op couree, in My delicate condition hMM fiM.. but MaybelijlII eh are IP you aek nicelyIPon'fc give Me fchafc look l|It'd juet be cruel to MafceMxj on the Ploor aPter euch a long journey, woulcfn'tWfc?^x fli Ir1 ; all>Finally a real poom\, JtmIHey, fchere'e only/ \ SJfm

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My Pafcher's ship will be / herein fcen daye and then we'll have bo explain blnie Mess you've caused ^ 'You'll handle everyfching^| Whab? Ugh, hoyy*can you be so^sual'abouEgveryfching? V fi > Ii IAnd whafc aM I supposed_ f . . f "f \ 1 f f L.fco do huh? Whafc are'we going fco^lo unfcil

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Path of the Genie

Wishes always work out in the end, don't they?

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Behold Mortal/ |tyour pointless ritual r has suMMoned AnoMia,. r; the caueeleee genie! I LI aM here to grant you three...Alright you horny t^oron, lets hear those wishes I know you've got a Pew things in Mind already>/| 1JL/ * / flj^L,satinminions,artist,porn comics without translation,porn

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Wow, that Most have been a wish^Making record fAww, that counts as three?Praid so. No compound wishesI Should havel wished Pop soMeone bo Pudk... J| //I don't suppose you wannaPaha, no/Er, well it's against the rules...fBuuut.. that last wish 1 is going to take soMe work.[ You can't becoMe an

There she is nowNow there's just the Matter oP customization J thumpI think I Porgot soMething,satinminions,artist,porn comics without translation,porn comics,xxx-files,transformation,Gender bender

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oh..i We can change her into anything, so just.. describe your idealWell she should have a good body. Voluptuous. Thick thighs. Big boobs Um... What else is there?Her Pace?Oh right, she should have a cute Pace, long dark hair I suppose, Pull lipsWith the skills to Match, h hM?LOP courseUh.. we re

..she should cum like a Preight brain!hMM hMMhMand have a nearly B unquenchable thirst Per cock/IBahaha/<Pk,^that's enough/Pid you gefc all that in fcfiere?You better have it right this timiI won't be participating but I'll need to be there in case soMething goes wrong ;=r iand to dispense sage

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Oh just look at her, trying so hard...y.yeah, daMn she's really into itYou Made excellent choices 1Give her a little More wiggle rooM and she Might surprise you 1Alright, it seeMS like you know how to behave yourselpwoah/,satinminions,artist,porn comics without translation,porn

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Von't look at it, fchafc'll juet it wonee,satinminions,artist,porn comics without translation,porn comics,xxx-files,transformation,Gender bender

MUhnnhThe woret part is overmi^^therechaMpCAALA.Except Pop this part^Bofc it's quick1 \ 1 ^bbsjBI,satinminions,artist,porn comics without translation,porn comics,xxx-files,transformation,Gender bender

ThanksMpMhMMMThat was tough wasn't it*Setting SMaller is worse than getting bigger Por soMe reason You're still kind op tall though, J I thought., well nevemindLet's just hurry through the portal cause this guy is gonna Puck you like..several tiMes,satinminions,artist,porn comics without

Don't be diPPicult, you knew this was goingfc^appen^wsgnahpn/LlunwnaguhPkd/oop, better , get hiM quickyou think partners coMe ProM 1 nowhere? It's your turn now sobravo,satinminions,artist,porn comics without translation,porn comics,xxx-files,transformation,Gender bender

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Pon't go out there! 1you'll cause a paradox and destroy the universe/ ^probablyLook, everything will happen naturally^What the hell is going on in here?What do you think is going on? I'm wrestling this idiot while you're out there blabbering/^M,satinminions,artist,porn comics without

I thought you could handle this part,satinminions,artist,porn comics without translation,porn comics,xxx-files,transformation,Gender bender

I jueb ueed op power on the portal jThafc'e why you need bo your powers on fche ropes and "eusboMizabion" partbob don't iP I run out later,satinminions,artist,porn comics without translation,porn comics,xxx-files,transformation,Gender bender

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uh... ip you're a good girl\Oh, hahaoh -, v/i\/-god is that what I sound like?\Ugh, I know, hearing your own voice ie intolerable isn't it?I have to argue with MyselP alM the fciMe. Luckily you two won'tbe talking MuchRight to businessMnnhriWhat the PuckI can't-OP course you canand you know you

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om. WE'RE PONE HEREyouv'e taken this way too Par.OP course it was/How can you just watch while soMething like thatI coold have euPPoeatedHey, I can't interPereI have to stay invisible you know, so the tiMeline doesn't get screwed up and destroy the universeBesides, it seeMed like you were kinda

And you're not a Midget,you're barely shorter than I aMVyou've gob an aMazing body and it'd be a shaMe not to experience>_ everything ifc has to oPPerA1\Especially aPber all the hard work you just pub invUm.. I guess I did do bhe gross part already...uL/1v %\/V)1XThat's right/ And now it's tiMe to

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Ugh, this is really uncoMportable I'm not sure what I saw in thisIt's More Por show, 4 enjoy your Pront row seat^I don't wanna look at this...Hmm hmm, op course you do. And you can suck a little ip you wantThat's right, tiMe t get another tasteBetter open,satinminions,artist,porn comics without

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I don't know about this...This is gonna be a probleMMy towels are too shortr Vid you learn anything else itoday?^^g,satinminions,artist,porn comics without translation,porn comics,xxx-files,transformation,Gender bender

A heM.1I Shouldn't grab boobs so hard arid., hmm..I should probably shower MoreEnough Por what?To get My wish back/I wished to have a huge cock and be all buPP, reMeMber?And you wereyou said I would only be like THIS Por a little while/nd you will bej fr I Mean.^^^BWHow long do Mortals live on this

 not the one who just so eked and Pushed MyselPWhat a weird thing to wieh .0P course you did, I just burned it around on you The way any good genie would.The classic karMic revereal, with a executed loop on top/PerPect?/It wasn't even the both tiMes/Things do seeM diPPerenb on the receiving end,

Oh yeah? Then why are My clothes diPPerenb?The girl I Pucked had ehorfc sleeves, fchie is.. er.. was a tank fcop.I'm pretty sure fche panties are diPPerenfc tooWell that.. ^ doesn't matter probably..I don't even look fche saMe/ I said long *dark* hair, whafc do you call fchie? ^And whafc'5 wifch

W.what is that?a paradox?/Is the universe going to be destroyed?/ IooooOohWORSE/I'm gonna get in trouble Por freezing up the tiwe streaM again/TiMe Por you to get an "Ironie Lesson"Unless\/,satinminions,artist,porn comics without translation,porn comics,xxx-files,transformation,Gender bender

IJJUngh/ Oust.. put it on!I'm not taking the blaMe Pop your screw up!*(((/'re the one who was too stupid to Pigure out what was happeningm1/h/The whole thing is your Pault/owowyou're stabbing Me with soMething//1 Jow;\No hair pulling/i^ then no ei^e poking arghPine just stop D1 I)4\I\

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