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^ 209 SNUBBULLkemusuSurprisingly, Snubbull is a fairy musu and classified as such. Many assume otherwise because of the musu's chronic underbite but upon meeting Snubbull and learning of their kind demeanor. Most quickly understand that the musu is most definitely a fairy.While many consider

Snubbull are pampered, slightly spoiled musu. Bonding with one means spending ALL your time with them, they hate being alone and are happiest around humans, especially women!

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^ 210 GRANBULLWhen a Snubbull is removed from the struggles of daily living for a significant amount of time. Their bodies and especially their teeth grow exponentially. So much so that the musu has trouble moving around with their heavy mouths. This new state of the musu we call Granbull.Granbull

If you thought Snubbull were spoiled, Granbull will give you a run for your money! They need constant attention, cuddles and praise or you will get tantrums eternally!

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m 211 QWILFISHi58cmcm s uJohto scholars refer to Qwilfish as the balloon musu, as they discovered it before they knew about Jigglypuff. Unlike other musu name disagreements, the Johto scholars came to an agreement that Qwilfish can be changed to the "spike balloon" musu. Though they seemed to have

Qwilfish dont often seek people out, but bonding with one is pretty hard anyway, you have to be careful with their spikes and be a good swimmer! God knows they are not great at it themselves though....

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